addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB DDR5-6000 32GB Dual-Channel Memory Kit Review

addlink's Addgame Spider X5 RGB DDR5-6000 32GB dual-channel RAM kits gets put to the test in our extensive review. Should you consider this kit? Let's see.

Manufacturer: addlink (AG16GB60C38X5UBX2)
10 minutes & 28 seconds read time
TweakTown's Rating: 76%

The Bottom Line

The addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB are unique looking, but that is about it. The performance was not good from our universal kit, and the cost is too high currently to recommend you to spend your hard earned money for them.


  • + Intel and AMD ready
  • + Slick spider
  • + Two XMP profiles


  • - No PMIC thermal pad
  • - Locked PMIC
  • - Diffuser rattles
  • - Visible RGB hotspots

Should you buy it?


Introduction, Specifications, and Pricing

addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB DDR5-6000 32GB Dual-Channel Memory Kit Review 99

Over the years, Tyler and Jon have worked with a company that had recently asked them about the potential for their RAM to be reviewed. While;e we have heard of this manufacturer over the years, this is the first product we have personally had in our hands from addlink. While we have known of their existence, up until this point, we had no idea that they even sold DDR4 or DDR5, as they had never asked us to look at anything. However, as with all new companies, we give them a fair shake to see what they have on offer for the masses.

Unlike with the better know manufacturers, where we tend to have preconceived notions of what to expect, we are flying blind at this time. From what we can see on-site and what we know by looking at their latest offering in the RAM segment, we can say that they have started off on the right foot. While this is another set of memory made for both AMD and Intel, the components and design have us admiring what we have, and we hope addlink can stand up against some seriously strong competition from the more prominent players in this market.

All the same, we would like to introduce you to the addlink Addgame series of RAM. More specifically, we are dealing with the Addgame Spider X5 RGB. With this set of sticks, you get a set that is not overly large, although it does sport heat spreaders, just not enormous. On top of that is the spider totem presented on either side, which we have yet to see from anyone else. Even knowing that tuning kits for AMD and Intel can be tricky, we hope that addlink does not fall into the chasm of low performance due to not picking a camp. Only time will tell, though, and at this point, we should dive in and see if we have something worth broadening your horizons with or a kit you may wish to ignore anyway.

addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB DDR5-6000 32GB Dual-Channel Memory Kit Review 01

Based on what is available online, we know that the Addlink Spider X5 RGB comes in black and silver colors. Beyond that, speeds range from 4800 MHz to 6400 MHz, and our kit lands in the middle. You can get these sticks in 8, 16, 32, and 64GB densities with single and dual-channel options, all with XMP or EXPO profiles. In this instance, we are dealing with the addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB with its speed set to 6000 MHz, sporting 38-38-38-76 2T timings at 1.30V.

The heat spreaders are aluminum, made of two pieces. The first layer is textured and black, the background to the spider totem. The design is then delivered with a second layer of black brushed aluminum with white information painted on them. Out of the options in density, we got a 32GB kit, but when reading the AG16GB60C38X5UBX2 part number, the X2 at the end means they doubled the 16GB mentioned much earlier in it. Other things worth noting are that these sticks include RGB lighting; as the name implies, they are 133.25mm long, 42mm tall, 7.9mm wide, and each weighs 54.7 grams. Lastly, as many RAM kits are addlink backs the Addgame Spider X5 RGB with a limited lifetime warranty.

Lastly, before we get into the rest of the review, we must consider the cost. Looking up other 6000 MHz kits at CAS38 with 32GB of density, we see that pricing starts at $84, but those kits do not have RGB. To get into RGB offerings, pricing starts at $94 and ends around $113.99. Knowing that, when we did locate the Addgame Spider X5 RGB from addlink, it was a bit surprising to see that they require $118.88 to obtain them. However, we cannot jump to conclusions too fast, as these could be the best-performing kit in their class, but if not, addlink has set the hurdle higher than many will be willing to jump over.

With all of the information in hand and a decent idea of what you are getting, let's have a look at what we get and get to the performance testing, obtaining the complete picture so that you can make an informed decision as to whether this set of addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB will be in your next build.

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addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB

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* Prices last scanned on 7/26/2024 at 2:57 am CDT - prices may not be accurate, click links above for the latest price. We may earn an affiliate commission.
addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB DDR5-6000 32GB Dual-Channel Memory Kit Review 02

The bulk of the front panel is black, with the name of the kit, its gaming memory category, and the speed, color, and density across the top. In the center is a look at the RAM, although we feel they missed the opportunity to show them illuminated over the AG logo. The bottom also shows that this is from the Addgame gaming series from addlink, with a bright red stripe stretching across the bottom.

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Around back, we start with another look at the RAM, which is not indicative of what you get. However, the image points out the RGB lighting, high-quality ICs, aluminum heat spreaders, and the spider totem, as they call it. We see a bit lower on the panel that this is high-performance DDR5, uses pure aluminum for better dissipation, carries on-die ECC and a PMIC, and that there is sync control of the RGB through motherboard software. At the bottom, we see the company information at the left and the product sticker to the right.

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We find the sticks packed inside plastic inside the box for all the reasons we typically mention. Rather than a case sticker, which we could get more use and joy from, we are sent a rather large manual for those who do not know how to install RAM into a motherboard.

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This unimpeded view shows how different the kit looks compared to what we saw on the packaging. Things start with a black PCB with components soldered, then the heat spreaders and diffusers are installed. It is pretty easy to make out the spider design on the heat spreaders, and using white paint makes the Addgame Spider X5 pop.

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On the reverse, we can see that the spreaders are nearly identical, with the spider presented, but their painted names are gone. They are replaced with painted-on specs, which cannot be removed, thus not voiding a warranty. In it, we see the density of the stick, the speed, the CAS latency, the part number, and the serial number.

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Looking at the Spider X5 RGB from this angle, the brushed aluminum stands out, and the white diffuser and naming stand out in high contrast. If looks were any indication of things to come, we would say good things are on the horizon, but we will have to wait and see how that plays out.

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The top of the sticks sport diffusers that are flat across the top with tabs at the ends, and a stepped design on the sides, but are not securely mounted and can move slightly. In the center of the diffusers, addlink placed the Addgame name in black for more of that high-contrast appeal.

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Under the hood, we see the use of SK Hynix H5CG4BAGB0 ICs, which is a terrific start, but we also see a lack of PMIC thermal pad under the heat spreaders. If you look closely, you can also see the spider pattern inside, just below the thermal tape used to attach the spreader to the ICs.

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Getting closer, we can see the PMIc used with the Addgame Spider X5. We found the P8911 series from Renesas. Knowing now that this PMIC is not unlocked, we get the lack of need for a thermal pad since the voltage is limited and not allowed into the range where they require some form of additional cooling.

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Even from a distance, we can make out the spider on the side of the heat spreader, but the naming on the side and the white diffuser stand out the most without power applied. All the same, this is a sleek-looking kit that would look good with just about any system it's installed on.

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Once we added power, the addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB shine. The color transitions are smooth and easy to sync with the motherboard, but sadly, there are hotspots where the LEDs are, which is evident in the pink area in this image.

Test System Details

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To obtain the Intel CPU-Z screenshots, you will see directly following this image; this is the system we used to do it, as well as in getting the results seen in the following pages. Thanks to Intel, be quiet!, ASUS, MSI, Corsair, and Sabrent for supporting us with this venture. Detailed specifications of the system can be found below.

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Applying the primary XMP profile gives us the specified speed and timings, as we can see in this screenshot. The Spider X5 RGB runs at 6000 MHz with 38-38-38-76 2T timings. As for the voltages, we saw 1.30 for the VDIMM, 0,833V for the SA, and the MC used 1.119V.

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By bumping the voltages to 1.40 VDIMM/VDDq/Tx, raising the SA to 0.965, and increasing the memory controller to 1.225, we could tighten the kit up a bit. While still running at 6000 MHz, we could lower the timings to 30-36-36-76 2T with complete stability.

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Sticking with the voltages used to lower the timings, we attempted to see how fast we could run this Spider X5 RGB. We got another 600 MHz out of them, taking the kit to 6600 MHz with minimal effort on our part.

Chad's Intel DDR5 Dual-Channel Test System Specifications

Intel Performance

addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB DDR5-6000 32GB Dual-Channel Memory Kit Review 17

AIDA64 read performance in its class is not all that good. While they surpassed the Fury Renegade and the ARES RGB, four kits still beat that 92.610 MB/s result. We boosted the XMP result another 2108 MB/s with a timing reduction, but it takes extra speed to place above the rest of the competitors in their class. However, to be fair, that boost with more speed added another 11,317 MB/s.

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Write performance in AIDA shows much of the same, with the XMP score of 89,038 MB/s third from the bottom of our 6000 MHz kit scores. We gained a little by reducing timings, but it is less than 100 MB/s difference. At 6600 MHz, the increase of 9198 MB/s over XMP is nice to see, but we still wish they were better out of the box.

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Even in the copy performance, the Spider X5 sits near the bottom of its class at 88,047 MB/s. We got another 1110 MB/s reducing the timings, so now only the Viper Venom outdo them. Added speed is a huge help, gaining us 9355 MB/s over XMP this time.

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The latency portion shows the Spider X5 RGB fourth from the bottom of its class, this time at 70.2ns. We found the Spider X5 RGB best in class when we lowered the timings, but we did expect less latency with the added speed applied.

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Swapping tests to Super Pi, we see much of the same, with the three minute-twelve second run third from last of the 6000 MHz kits. Reducing timings gains a bit more than a second, whereas more speed gains us a three-second reduction, which is ever so slightly faster than the Fury Renegade fresh out of the box.

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Only surpassed by the Fury Renegade, the XMP results of the Spider X5 RGB are good out of the box. Reducing timings has us paying the penalty, but the 6600 MHz results are punching well above their weight class.

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Only able to beat the ARES RGB this time, we see that the 7-zip results are not that good for the XMP run. Lowering the timings netted us six seconds of our life back, but the added speed gave the best results, some sixteen seconds back for every 7.62GB of data compressed.

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Handbrake shows the Spider X5 RGB in a similar place as AIDA did, with three kits below them and three kits better. The results for the XMP run are not horrible, but it is shocking to see that added speed is worth three seconds back, but we got five seconds back with reduced timings. Sadly, Corsair, TEAM, and Kingston all do better without any work involved past setting the XMP option.

Final Thoughts

As we said earlier, the visual appeal of the Addgame Spider X5 is unique and is something we like to see. Many will deliver plain-looking spreaders, and even if brushed, they do not offer the style addlink is offering. We found a good set of ICs under the hood, and as you can see from our overclocking results, there is quite a bit of flexibility for those willing to tinker and stress test.

We liked the smooth transition of colors under the diffusers, and we also enjoyed the intensity of the lighting. Interestingly enough, the above is all we have to mention that is good about this set of DDR5, and we do not believe that the style is enough to carry over to massive sales.

The issues we ran into, like lackluster performance, the loose diffuser that can rattle, and a locked PMIC are things we wish were not present, but they are. That being said, it is almost a waste of the ICs to stack them on something with the limitations we saw. Had they clocked better, or if they used 1.20V at XMP, we could make concessions. Sadly, with addlink opting to create a universal kit for AMD and Intel, they could not place well in our performance charts, which is the primary reason to buy RAM in our minds.

The saddest part of this entire ordeal is that the Addgame Series offers an Intel-only kit, which quite possibly is tuned better, and would have allowed us to develop a much better opinion of the RAM we have just tested. Of course, a couple of kits do worse out of the box, but we don't recommend them either.

The nail in the coffin for this addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB set comes down to the cost. With the highest price in their category, it is a tough pill to swallow, paying more and getting much less. Again, much like if they were lower voltage, if this DDR5 were selling at around $100, it may change our tune slightly, but with the current reality, this is not what we see.

For the most expensive of all of the CAS38 6000 MHz kits for sale, they should compete with TEAM, Kingston, and others. Still, with them near the bottom of the 6000 MHz kits results, we cannot see many reasons beyond styling to persuade you to get the Addgame Spider X5, especially the universal kit we have, over any others in our charts.

Photo of product for sale











The Bottom Line

The addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB are unique looking, but that is about it. The performance was not good from our universal kit, and the cost is too high currently to recommend you to spend your hard earned money for them.


addlink Addgame Spider X5 RGB

TodayYesterday7 days ago30 days ago
* Prices last scanned on 7/26/2024 at 2:57 am CDT - prices may not be accurate, click links above for the latest price. We may earn an affiliate commission.

Chad joined the TweakTown team in 2009 and has since reviewed 100s of new techy items. After a year of gaming, Chad caught the OC bug. With overclocking comes the need for better cooling, and Chad has had many air and water setups. With a few years of abusing computer parts, he decided to take his chances and try to get a review job. As an avid overclocker, Chad is always looking for the next leg up in RAM and coolers.

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