Exceleram Allows Complete Customization of Memory Kits

Exceleram Allows Complete Customization of Memory Kits

Exceleram, the Highend Memory Blacksmith from Landau, Germany informs, that from today on everyone can get custom made memory. "We offer Exceleram memory custom made now - every customer has his own wishes and we are listening and responding to them now more than ever. The customer can build his dream-memory by selecting the memory, the heatsinks (even each side could be different) and the packing. Like I would do it with my new car" said Torsten Düker, CEO Exceleram. Many new colors are in process. The test run starts only in Germany, but later we can provide custom memory worldwide.

Exceleram Allows Complete Customization of Memory Kits | TweakTown.com

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:04 pm CDT

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