Next-gen DDR6 memory teased: DDR6-8800 up to a possibly insane DDR6-21000 memory

DDR6 memory data rates to start at 8.8Gbps ranging up to 17.6Gbps, with an extension up to an absolutely incredible 21Gbps... Q2 2025 for DDR6 1.0 spec.

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Just as the PC market is pushing heavily into DDR5 memory, we're hearing more about both DDR6 and LPDDR6 memory.

Next-gen DDR6 memory teased: DDR6-8800 up to a possibly insane DDR6-21000 memory 62

In a new JEDEC presentation, we're hearing about DDR6, LPDDR6, and new CAMM standards for memory. LPDDR5 for example is already 5 years old, and while we've seen mid-product update refreshes including LPDDR5X and LPDDR5T, they won't be good enough for the years to come.

DDR6 memory will reportedly start off at 8800MT/s of bandwidth, up to a huge 17,600MT/s of bandwidth with a "possible extension" to an incredible 21,000MT/s of bandwidth. Keep in mind that DDR5 ranges from between 4000MT/s and 8400MT/s, while DDR4 was stuck down at 1600MT/s through to 3200MT/s.

As for LPDDR6 memory, JEDEC expects to see data rates begin at 10.667Gbps ranging up to 14.400Gbps, which is much higher than LPDDR5 that starts off at 6.400Gbps, LPDDR5X at 8.533Gbps, and LPDDR5T at 9.600Gbps.

The world of DDR5 is really only just beginning, with the majority of gamers still using DDR4 memory... this doesn't mean the industry slows down. JEDEC is pushing the boundaries of bandwidth with DDR6 and LPDDR6, but the future of computing is always more, more, more. This won't impact PC gamers for many years to come, with JEDEC expecting the initial draft DDR6 specs this year, while v1.0 specs will arrive in Q2 2025.

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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