Dragon Age 4's mainland setting confirmed, map may rival Inquisition

A new artbook confirms Dragon Age 4's location, a region dominated by cruelty, slavery, ancient spires and forbidden blood magic.

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According to a new Dragon Age artbook, the next game in the series, Dragon Age 4, will be set in the Tevinter Imperium.

Dragon Age 4's mainland setting confirmed, map may rival Inquisition 19

The new game dev grimoire BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development confirms that the new Dragon Age game is set in a realm of slavery, cruelty, and mythical blood magic. We're talking about the Tevinter Imperium, of course--the ancient Rome-like empire nestled in Theda's northern regions.

The book hints the playable landmass could include the Imperium as well as parts of the bordering Nevarra to the south, and Antiva to the east. For comparison, Dragon Age Inquisition featured areas set in southern Thedas; Orlais, Ferelden, and parts of the Free Marches were explorable and playable.

Dragon Age 4's mainland setting confirmed, map may rival Inquisition 345

It's possible Dragon Age 4 could be the biggest game in the series in terms of explorable area. We already know it'll be the most ambitious thanks to massively advanced next-gen Frostbite engine tech, but it could feature a huge in-game area as well.

It's not exactly a surprise that Dragon Age 4 is set in the Imperium. We've known since 2017 that BioWare was working on a Tevinter-focused Dragon Age.

The gothic spires Imperium have been teased multiple times in concept art. We've also seen glimpses of the dead-city necropolis' from Nevarra, and even Weisshaupt Fortress in the Anderfels.

Dragon Age 4's mainland setting confirmed, map may rival Inquisition 344

That being said, game writer Patrick Weekes warns gamers not to read too much into the concept art. In no way is this artwork finalized, and much of it may not even be used in the final game.

"Much like box-art creatures help devs get an early feel for gameplay, concept art helps devs get an early feel for mood," Weekes said.

"If the mood of concept art you're seeing excites you, cool! But please don't get attached to, or hung up on, specifics."

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NEWS SOURCE:eurogamer.net

Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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