The next-gen Xbox will be even more powerful than the PS5

The purported Next Xbox X will trounce even the beefy specs inside of the PlayStation 5.

1 minute & 46 seconds read time

The first real hardware teased for Microsoft's next-gen Xbox console saw it featuring some serious horsepower, led by AMD's soon-to-be-released next-gen Zen 2 and Navi architectures both on 7nm.

The next-gen Xbox will be even more powerful than the PS5 |

I reported on those leaks back in January of this year and they saw the consoles split into two: the higher-end codename Anaconda and Lockhart consoles. Now there's new reports that suggest Anaconda will be more powerful than the PS5, which falls exactly in line with my predictions. The higher-end Anaconda will reportedly be called Next Xbox X and will be the fastest next-gen console with its Navi GPU with 12 TFLOPs of performance compared to the Next Xbox Streaming or 'Lockhart' and its knocked down 4 TFLOPs of performance.

Now there are new reports from Seasoned Gaming boss Ainsley Bowden who tweeted that "multiple insiders" have confirmed Microsoft's codename Anaconda console will be faster than the PlayStation 5. This is something backed up by the big leaks from January 2019 on the purported Next Xbox consoles, including codename Anaconda. He tweeted:

Sony's next-gen PlayStation 5 should fall somewhere in between that with around 8-10 TFLOPs of performance that will provide it with enough grunt to guarantee 1080p 60FPS in every single game with the option for 4K 60FPS without breaking a sweat. This means the new flagship Xbox console could allow Microsoft to capitalize big time with marketing it as the 'fastest console ever made' even in a world where the PlayStation 5 is here.

The last rumors on the next generation Xbox console specs teased Anaconda at $499 with some powerful specs and a 1TB NVMe SSD with 1GB/sec of bandwidth which at the time seemed strange, but now with Sony praising the game-changing SSD technology inside of the next-gen PS5, this is now making more sense. So too do PlayStation architect Mark Cerny's words on ray tracing inside of the PS5, with the next-gen Xbox reportedly featuring DXR and MS AI technologies.

Here are the last rumored specs on the next-gen Xbox consoles:

Next Xbox X (codename Anaconda) - $499:

CPU: AMD's custom Zen 2 CPU with 8C/16T (should be on 7nm)

GPU: Custom Navi GPU (12 TFLOPs of performance, also should be 7nm)

Memory: 16GB GDDR6 (surprising, but will be probably shared with GPU)

Storage: 1TB NVMe SSD @ 1GB/s+ bandwidth

API: DirectX Raytracing + MS AI (DXR being used will be HUGE, enables ray tracing)

Next Xbox Streaming (codename: Lockhart) - $249:

CPU: AMD's custom Zen 2 CPU with 8C/16T (should be on 7nm)

GPU: Custom Navi GPU (4 TFLOPs of performance, 1/3 the Xbox X)

Memory: 12GB GDDR6 (2/3 of the Xbox X)

Storage: 1TB NVMe SSD @ 1GB/s+ bandwidth

API: DirectX Raytracing + MS AI

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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