Google AI expert believes humans safe from AI dangers for a long time

There is a certain level of fear that artificial intelligence could surpass human control, but a prominent expert says we're still far away from that point.

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Demis Hassabis is an artificial intelligence expert and founder of the now Google-owned DeepMind Technologies - so he has a unique insight into AI research.

Google AI expert believes humans safe from AI dangers for a long time |

Hassabis and his team have developed a custom algorithm giving AI the ability to learn in a similar fashion to humans - a groundbreaking notion that will give some people greater fear of AI one day taking over. Even so, Hassabis believes it will be quite some time before humans have to worry about their own wellbeing due to AI:

"We're many, many decades away from anything, any kind of technology that we need to worry about," said Hassabis, speaking during a recent news conference. "But it's good to start the conversation now and be aware of as with any new powerful technology it can be used for good or bad."

AI research and development is accelerating, so the idea that AI could pose a threat to humans will remain a discussed topic.

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