If you work in an office often the only time you can get out before closing time is when you head out for lunch. The problem is that much of the time lunch break isn't long enough to go to a restaurant, order, eat, and get back. That means you need a quick and easy way to order your food and get it back to the office on time.
If you are familiar with Square, the company that makes the mobile credit card readers and operates a mobile payment system, you might be interested in Squares latest offering. The new offering is an app called Square Pickup and it lets you order food from any eatery that takes Square payments.
The app lets you view the full menu offered for all participating restaurants, choose what you want, order, and pay in one place. That means all you need to do is drive over, get your food, and get back before the boss misses you at your desk.
Currently the app is testing with San Francisco restaurants for iOS and Android users. I can see this being very useful if you order out a lot and don't like having to wait for someone to answer the phone. It will also save time. I wonder how they know which order is yours when you buy with the app. Perhaps the Lunch Geek name in the image here isn't the name of the café, but the name of the person ordering.