Google hides Easter egg in image search, play Atari's Breakout with pictures of Breakout

Google hides Atari Breakout Easter egg in Image Search.

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Google is well-known for hiding Easter eggs in its search engine. For instance, typing "do a barrel" into the all-knowing Google search bar will result in the whole web page doing a barrel roll. The latest Easter egg to be discovered celebrates Atari's classic game, Breakout.

Google hides Easter egg in image search, play Atari's Breakout with pictures of Breakout |

To initialize the latest Easter egg, simply do a Google Image Search for "Atari Breakout." This will cause the game to start. Simply control the platform with your mouse to bounce the ball and destroy the pictures of, you guessed it, Breakout. Successfully beating that level will result in more levels generating with random pictures.


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