Following his arrest in France on charges on twelve charges, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has had his past looked and it was discovered the billionaire tech founder has helped father more than 100 children, or at least according to him.

Durov was arrested in France last month on several criminal charges that alleged he was complicit in drug trafficking, distribution of child sexual abuse material, facilitation of fraud, illicit transactions, and more. All of these charges stem from an unknown percentage of the 950 million Telegram users that take advantage of the end-to-end encryption of the messaging platform.
The Telegram CEO has since responded to the charges in a recent Telegram post, saying he was "surprised" to discover he could be held personally responsible for the illegal activities of people using his platform. In a recent USA Today report, the publication pointed out Durov has publicly claimed he has fathered more than 100 children through anonymous sperm donations and that his doctor informed him his sperm was of "high quality".
"The boss of the clinic told me that 'high-quality donor material' was in short supply and that it was my civic duty to donate more sperm to anonymously help more couples," Durov wrote in a Telegram post
"Of course, there are risks, but I don't regret having been a donor," Durov wrote in a Telegram post last month. "The shortage of healthy sperm has become an increasingly serious issue worldwide, and I'm proud that I did my part to help alleviate it."