OpenAI is one of biggest companies in the world leading the push into artificial intelligence-powered surfaces, and you could certainly argue the company was the first to popularize the technology that has been used by developers in less sophisticated forms for quite some time.

Artificial intelligence-powered devices, services, and applications are popping up everywhere, and the moniker AI labeling is being slapped on seemingly every piece of technology that it can be applied to - even some that don't deserve it and are simply attempting to ride the hype surrounding AI products.
The popularity of AI can be traced back to the explosion that was the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT, in which it attracted more than 100 million monthly active users in just two months, setting the record for the fastest growing consumer-application in history. ChatGPT was released in November 2022, and according to OpenAI it's active monthly user base has grown substantially since then, attracting an additional 100 million users.
OpenAI stated that ChatGPT has surpassed 200 million weekly active users, which is twice as many as it had compared to the same time a year ago. OpenAI revealed its increase in weekly user base can be attributed to the adoption of ChatGPT across many Fortune 500 companies. Moreover, OpenAI says the release of GPT-4o resulted in ChatGPT's "biggest spike ever" in revenue and downloads.