USB Drives for 2009

Listing of our USB Drives content from our Storage category for 2009.

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Active Media Products Penguin BLU Pen Drive

Active Media Products Penguin BLU Pen Drive

October 14, 2009 | Doo be doobie doo, this isn't a Bud Ice commercial, but this penguin is just as memorable.

TEAM Group Supreme U100 64GB Pen Drive (HD) Video Review

TEAM Group Supreme U100 64GB Pen Drive (HD) Video Review

September 17, 2009 | Today we take a quick look at TEAM Group's Supreme U100 64GB pen drive flash disk. It oozes with style with its impressive design and build quality.

Super Talent's super tiny Pico Mini USB Drive - Video Review

Super Talent's super tiny Pico Mini USB Drive - Video Review

July 31, 2009 | Super Talent sent us one of its blue 8GB Pico Mini USB pen drives for review. We put it through the paces to see what it can do in this video review.

Patriot Xporter Magnum USB 128GB Pen Drive - Video Review

Patriot Xporter Magnum USB 128GB Pen Drive - Video Review

July 22, 2009 | Ever thought you'd be able to hold 128GB of storage inside your palm? Flash technology keeps improving and Patriot Memory make good use of it.

Super Talent Godfather Series USB Flash Drives

Super Talent Godfather Series USB Flash Drives

March 7, 2009 | With both the Rubber and Swivel Godfathers arriving on his doorstep, Chris looks to see if Super Talent "make an offer you can't refuse".

Super Talent Luxio Series 64GB USB Flash Drive

Super Talent Luxio Series 64GB USB Flash Drive

March 3, 2009 | When it comes to flash drives Super Talent has all the answers. Today our attention is toward a high capacity offering with elegant wood grain finish.

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