ASUS ROG STRIX GO 2.4 Gaming Headset Review

The ASUS ROG STRIX Go 2.4 abandons the Bluetooth connection, and makes a leap over to 2.4GHz, is it worth it? Let's find out.

Manufacturer: ASUS
11 minutes & 8 seconds read time
TweakTown's Rating: 92%
TweakTown award

The Bottom Line

The ASUS ROG STRIX Go 2.4 brings the world of portability, and desk gaming together in one clean and comfortable headset.

Introduction & Specification Details and Close-up

ASUS recently sent out its ROG STRIX Go 2.4, and this headset is might actually be your next daily driver if you play PC games and also have a Nintendo Switch.

The ROG Strix Go 2.4 abandons the wireless Bluetooth connectivity and makes the jump to 2.4GHz, which ASUS boasts to have low-latency. The ROG STRIX Go 2.4 also features a USB-C adapter, which is compatible with the Nintendo Switch while it's in handheld mode, as well as Mac and PS4. For Xbox One users and other devices in general, ASUS has also provided a 3.5mm cable.

Today we will be running the ROG STRIX Go 2.4 through its paces to see if it's worth the hefty price tag of $210. We will be taking a look at the overall audio quality, if the claim of low latency is true, the design, the microphone quality, build quality, and ultimately, summing up the positives and negatives of the headset. So, if you want to see what ASUS has squeezed into the lightweight ROG STRIX Go 2.4, jump into the design breakdown on the next page.


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First up, we have a photo of the front of the box. Here we can see that the ROG STRIX Go comes with Hi-Res Audio support; it's Discord Certified, TeamSpeak Certified, and has Nintendo Switch support. Obviously, we also get a nice image of what the headset looks like.

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Moving onto the back of the box, we can see all of the features that come with the ROG STRIX Go.

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This side of the box just shows some ASUS branding and a quick description of the headset.

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Above, we are looking at the carry case for the ASUS ROG STRIX Go. The carry case is quite nice, feels strong and sturdy and would definitely be able to fit inside of a carry-on bag, or backpack. This image also shows off the 3.5mm cable and the USB-C to USB-A cable.

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In this image we are looking at the carry case opened up, as you can see the headset fits nicely in the case, and all of the provided cables and connections can be stored over where the microphone is sitting. This carry case is great, well-done ASUS.

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Moving on, we have the ROG STRIX Go out of the box, and as you can see, it's got a nice compact design with slim earcups and lots of soft-looking leather.

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Zooming in on the earcup, we can see some ASUS branding on the upper side of the earcup, as well as ROG engraved in the center.

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Above, we have an image of the USB-C connection. This USB-C port is located on the left earcup and is a welcomed replacement of the classic micro-USB port.

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Next, we have an image of the right-hand side earcup. Here we can see the volume control wheel, function key, power switch, 3.5mm port, and the microphone port.

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Moving on, we have an image of how far the headset can extend. The extension measures in at just 3cm, but that should be enough for most users.

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In this image, we are looking at how far the ROG STRIX Go's earcups can flex inwards, and from my experience with them, it's enough to make the headset comfortable while moving around and sitting.

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Next, we have an image showcasing how the ROG STRIX Go can flex and bend inwards.

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Here we have a close up of the earcup, and we can see that it has a nice soft leather coating, but the earcup is quite small overall.

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In this image, we are looking at how the earcup can rotate 90 degrees. Users can comfortably rest the ROG STRIX Go on their shoulders without experiencing the headset choking them.

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Here we have an image of the headband, which features the same leather as the earcups. It's very soft and is quite comfortable.

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In the above image, we have a close up of the ROG STRIX Go microphone. It measures in at 17.5cm and is an AI-powered noise-canceling microphone.

Jak's Test System Specifications

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ASUS ROG Strix GO 2.4 Wireless Gaming Headset

TodayYesterday7 days ago30 days ago
* Prices last scanned on 6/14/2024 at 3:41 am CDT - prices may not be accurate, click links above for the latest price. We may earn an affiliate commission.

Design & Software


When I first took the ROG STRIX Go out of its travel case, the first thing I noticed was how light the headset was. Immediately I went online to check out its weight and was surprised that it only weighs 290g. This extremely lightweight design cannot go understated, and after using the headset for extended periods of time, I can say that it's probably the best lightweight headset I've ever used.

Moving onto the earcups. While I was examining the lightweightness of the headset, I noticed the earcups had a nice soft leather coat over them, and that there wasn't much of a gap between the earcup and the speaker. Since the leather was quite bouncy, I found that my ears were extremely close to the speakers, and while this might bother some users, I didn't mind it as much. The leather earcup wraps around your head very nicely, securing the headset in place around each of your ears.

My only complaint is that due to the earcups being on the smaller side, sometimes either the top or the bottom of my ears weren't sitting inside in the earcup. This can be quite uncomfortable when using the headset for longer periods of time but can be simply solved by jiggling the headset around while it's on your head.

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The headset itself is quite flexible; the earcups can rotate further than 180 degrees, meaning that users will have absolutely no problem resting them on their shoulders. As you probably gathered from the above images, the ROG STRIX Go can fold for easier transportation, hence the carry bag. The hinges on the headset feel quite strong, but I did notice they are made out of plastic, so I'd advise users to still be quite careful with them as one simple mistake could lead to an expensive hinge break.

The top of the headset is one of my favorite parts about the ROG STRIX Go. It features the same leather that is on the earcups but has much more padding. The headband is extremely comfortable and is honestly one of my favorite headbands I've ever experienced while reviewing headsets. As for the overall build quality of the ROG STRIX Go, it seems to be a very sturdy headset. This is due to the metal frame and hard plastic coverings.

Moving onto the left earcup control buttons. Here's where ASUS lost me a little bit. ASUS decided to hide the mute microphone button under the volume control, and while the 'volume control' looks like a wheel, it isn't, as it doesn't rotate. Users simply push up and down to increase/reduce volume, and once maximum/minimum volume is reached, the headset blasts you with this strange beeping sound that is super annoying. This could just be me, but the beeping really gets to me due to how loud it is. I decided to put the volume of the headset at max, and then control the overall volume through Windows, so I'd never have to hear it.

I also really don't enjoy how ASUS decided to put the microphone under the volume control because sometimes when I'm trying to quickly mute my microphone, I accidentally increase/decrease volume. Another aspect of the mute/unmute microphone that I really dislike is the voice that is heard in the headset whenever it's enabled. Pressing the mute microphone button causes a women's voice to override all audio in the headset with the words "microphone off" or "microphone on". I understand what ASUS is trying to do here as it's more of a portability feature, but instead of a human voice telling me what mode the microphone is in, how about we just get a LED? The best location I've found for a microphone status LED is at the end of the microphone; this way, gamers can visibly see the status of their microphone without having to take the headset off.

The other control buttons on the left earcup are quite standard; we have a 3.5mm headphone jack for wired mode, a multimedia control button, a slider between wireless and wired mode. I have no complaints with these.


ASUS has done quite a great job with its software, and if you are interested in downloading it and checking it out, a link can be found here.

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Once you have downloaded the software and plugged your ROG STRIX Go into your PC, you will be presented with the above window. As you can see, the first window contains everything you will need to tweak and alter the ROG STRIX Go as you see fit. Users can enable virtual surround sound at the flick of a button, save their favorite profiles, choose reverb settings, play with the equalizer, boost base, add compression, change voice clarity, enable AI noise-cancellation, and fiddle with 'perfect voice'.

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My first recommendation once you have opened up the software is to navigate to the 'power' menu of the headset and change the default Sleep Mode setting from five minutes to something higher. I personally put mine to thirty minutes as I couldn't stand the headset turning off on me every time there was a small break in audio.

My overall experience with ASUS's software for the ROG STRIX Go headset was quite a good one. All of the settings are put plainly in front of you, and even someone who has limited audio knowledge would be able to navigate around the software with ease. Great work here, ASUS.

Performance & Microphone


As with all of my headset reviews, I used the ROG STRIX Go for over thirty hours. Within this use time, I had several long gaming sessions bouncing between titles such as Apex Legends, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and Green Hell. I also listened to several hours of music on my PC in wired mode and wireless mode. On top of that testing, I also took the ROG STRIX Go for a walk and plugged the USB-C dongle into my Pixel 3XL.

Gaming Audio

The first game I played with the ROG STRIX Go was Apex Legends, as I wanted to get a feel for how this 'portable' headset would hold up in a sit down first-person shooter title. I played Apex Legends for about three hours in my first gaming session and can report that the audio was slightly above par from what I was expecting. The highs had a nice ring to them, the mids sounded very crisp and clear, and the lows had a nice punch with the base.

There was also no noticeable delay between in-game actions and the audio coming out of the speakers. As for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, each of the sword clashes, blocks, and parries had a super clean sound to them, but for some reason, I noticed a lack in the bass. This could be due to the game, and not the headset, though.

I also recently purchased Green Hell, which is a survival game based in the Amazonian jungle. This game sounded fantastic with the ASUS ROG STRIX Go; all of the bird chirps, native sounds, general music, and construction audio sounded great.

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Music/Movie Listening

I like to get a solid four or five hours of music listening in with whatever headset I'm reviewing, and throughout my experience with the ROG STRIX Go, I was less than impressed. Don't get me wrong, the music quality sounded good, but only in when I was playing music through the wired connection. Playing music through the wireless connection either through the PC, or a mobile device caused the headset to have a static sound at higher volumes. This static sound wasn't present when I used the headset in a wired mode.

Another thing I noticed when I was using the headset with my Pixel 3XL in wireless mode was when I would place my phone back in my pocket; the headset would almost have a mini-disconnect episode. I couldn't figure out what was causing this, but it was only happening in wireless mode. My hunch tells me it has something to do with the headset running on 2.4Ghz, and not Bluetooth, but I cannot prove this.


The ROG STRIX Go actually has two microphones, one microphone that can be plugged in, and another that is located on the headset itself. The microphone that can be plugged into the headset is by far the superior of the two, as it comes with more features and is just overall higher quality. ASUS promotes that the ROG STRIX Go comes with the AI Noise-Cancellation, and I can say right off the bat that this noise cancellation is the best noise cancellation I've used when it comes to blocking out background noise. That doesn't mean it's perfect, though.

If users enable this noise cancellation, your voice becomes super compressed, removing any clarity of each of your words. This is a small price to pay if you have a loud keyboard or environment. As for the microphone that is baked into the headset, the quality isn't nearly as good as the microphone that you can plug in, but I can see how it could be used for people on the go. Overall, it's a passable microphone for portability use.


We are now at my favorite part of this headset, the battery life. The ROG STRIX Go adopted USB-C charging, which enabled the headset to pick up the fast charge feature. I cannot overstate how good this feature is, in just 15 minutes of charging, I was able to get around 3 hours of playtime with the ROG STRIX Go. In total, I was able to get around 20-25 hours of playtime before having to charge the headset again. Fast charging will eventually become a staple of wireless headsets, and I can say ASUS has done a great job adapting it into the Go.

Final Thoughts

What's Hot

The ASUS ROG STRIX Go is an extremely lightweight, compact, and comfortable headset. It can be worn for more extended periods without becoming uncomfortable, has an absolutely fantastic battery life, and even better charging time. It also packs a punch when it comes to in-game audio, and has incredibly low latency.

What's Not

ASUS might need to re-think the decision of placing the mute/unmute microphone under the volume control, as well as the decision to have a human voice tell users what status the microphone is in.

All in all, I really like the idea behind the ROG STRIX Go. The headset is primarily designed for portable gamers that are looking for a wireless headset solution for their Nintendo Switch. ASUS has certainly filled that void, while also giving Nintendo Switch owners who also happen to have a PC the ability to simply plug the headset into their PC and enjoy PC games.

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The ROG STRIX GO is a perfect example of the portability market, and the sit-down headset market coming together in one product. Was ASUS successful in its endeavors to create a headset that allows users to do both of these forms of gaming? I would say yes, but not without some faults. One of those faults that aren't mentioned above is the price, which is currently sitting at $210 on Amazon. This is fairly expensive for this wireless headset, and I believe there are other headsets out there that can give buyers more value for the price.

If you are after a high-quality wireless headset that can be used on PC, as well as a Nintendo Switch, consider the ROG STRIX Go. It's more of a primo wireless headset, and buyers should understand that ASUS is slapping some additional costs onto it that can be avoided if you are trying to save money. But if money isn't a problem, and you would like one of the best wireless headsets on the market, check out the ROG STRIX Go.

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The Bottom Line

The ASUS ROG STRIX Go 2.4 brings the world of portability, and desk gaming together in one clean and comfortable headset.

TweakTown award

ASUS ROG Strix GO 2.4 Wireless Gaming Headset

TodayYesterday7 days ago30 days ago
* Prices last scanned on 6/14/2024 at 3:41 am CDT - prices may not be accurate, click links above for the latest price. We may earn an affiliate commission.

Jak joined the TweakTown team in 2017 and has since reviewed 100s of new tech products and kept us informed daily on the latest science, space, and artificial intelligence news. Jak's love for science, space, and technology, and, more specifically, PC gaming, began at 10 years old. It was the day his dad showed him how to play Age of Empires on an old Compaq PC. Ever since that day, Jak fell in love with games and the progression of the technology industry in all its forms. Instead of typical FPS, Jak holds a very special spot in his heart for RTS games.

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