Vlps, Ant & all of Illuminati join Follow eSports Pro to Form Hearthstone Team

Today, FolloweSports.com, the 'TV Guide' of eSports, announced their Pro Hearthstone team with the acquisition of free agents Vlps & Ant, along with the entire roster of Team Illuminati, (Dart, ItsProtoHype, koyuki, Th3RaT & Alchemisxt). itsProtoHype, Ðart and Vlps are all qualified for Blizzcon regionals, where they play in the 40 man bracket this weekend. With Follow eSports Pro Teams already competing in CEVO-P/ESEA Invite in Counterstrike, participating in Blizzcon regionals in World of Warcraft,

and placing top 8 in multiple Smash Brothers Melee events, a roster of exceptional Hearthstone talent was the perfect next step.

Marty Strenczewilk, FolloweSports.com co-founder, said "Hearthstone has such a passionate fan base with incredibly exciting events. As an avid fan myself, I was super geeked out to work with some of the players who've pioneered decks I've used and I've rooted for in tournaments. We've put together a team that will rival any in the competitive Hearthstone scene."

The roster is made up of the following players:

  • Brian "Th3RaT" Courtade (Player) Th3RaT is widely known for popularizing and playing the Grim Patron Warrior deck at the highest levels. He recently played in the ESL Season 2 LAN finals alongside koyuki.
  • David "itsProtoHype" Kunze (Player) After qualifying for Blizzcon NA Regionals in 2014, ProtoHype most recently battled through the Blizzcon Last Call event to qualify himself for the next phase of the 2015 Blizzcon Qualifiers. He is also a content creator and innovated the Hybrid Hunter deck which he played to Rank 1 Legend.
  • Case "koyuki" Kiyonaga (Player) koyuki is a veteran of the Hearthstone scene and has experience across a variety of competitive card games. He participated in some of the first high level Hearthstone tournaments, such as ESGN Fight Night, DeckWars, and ESL King of the Hill. He most recently played in the ESL Season 2 LAN Finals with his teammate Th3RaT.
  • Victor "Vlps" Lopez (Player) Vlps has made a big splash in the Hearthstone scene with his recent victory in the CN vs. NA team tournament, as well as qualifying for the next phase of the 2015 Blizzcon Qualifiers. In addition to his tournament and ladder success, his stream has been steadily growing in popularity.
  • Matt "Dart" Orgel (Player) Ðart has played in many notable tournaments since the very beginning of Hearthstone, most recently in AICC Korea (2nd place) and the ONOG Finals at Pax Prime. You can often find him casting Hearthstone events, as well, when he's not playing in them.
  • Anthony "Ant" Trevino (Player/Manager) Along with placing Top 16 in the 2014 Blizzcon Regional Championships, Ant has 15 Top 8 or higher finishes across ESL, ZOTAC, and ONOG cups. He has also worked with top players in a coaching capacity, prepping for major events.
  • Dan "Alchemisxt" Walton (Team Manager) Dan is no stranger when it comes to competitive Hearthstone, with experience playing on top teams such as Team Curse (now Team Liquid) and Complexity Gaming. He also has experience in Hearthstone Pro team management, as the former team manager of illuminati Hearthstone.

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:10 pm CDT

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