Since the introduction of our first PC-case, the Deep Silence 1 in the autumn of 2012, our products have been honored with more than 150 awards by trade magazines and reviewers from all over the world. Thanks to their modular design our PC cases are perfectly suited for water cooling systems. Consequentially we began to offer a selected, continuously growing range of high quality accessories for dedicated water cooling enthusiast under the label CoolForce.
Makes you wonder what we will have in store for the Computex 2015, doesn't it? You are hereby cordially invited to join us in the Nangang Exhibition Hall at Booth J1105 from June 2 to June 6. We promise you an impressive range of new products - and not only that...To perfect the introduction of our new Nanoxia CoolForce case series and the presentation of our further optimized Deep Silence models, we brought to life "The NanoXia Project."
With this unique project - realized with the support of international PC experts - we hope to demonstrate, how a supreme water cooling system can be created and upgraded using our products and what our motto "Nanoxia - Turn on German Engineering" really stands for. The desk was designed and built in Germany. We would like to offer our thanks to all our sponsors and the six-men-team, which managed to finalize the Nanoxia desk in just two days. If you would like to experience "The NanoXia project" yourself, don't miss the opportunity to visit us at our booth at the Computex 2015 in Taipei.
Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:09 pm CDT