NVIDIA's next-gen GB200 'Blackwell' GPU listed on its 2024 data center roadmap

A recent slide from NVIDIA's own Investors Presentation confirms its next-gen Blackwell GB200 and GX200 GPUs for the datacenter market.

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Ooooh, it looks like NVIDIA is slowly outing its next-generation GPU lineup... where a slide from its recent NVIDIA Investor Presentation is bringing some much-needed attention to next-gen data center and AI GPUs. Check it out:

NVIDIA's data center and AI GPU roadmap (source: NVIDIA)

NVIDIA's data center and AI GPU roadmap (source: NVIDIA)

NVIDIA's new roadmap extends for a few years... covering the A100 "Ampere" GPU from 2023, the new H100 "Hopper" GPU that was unleashed this year, its upcoming H200 "Hopper" GPU in 2024, and then the "B100" Blackwell GPU that is penciled in for 2024. Not only that but we're being teased by "X100" for some time in 2025, too. Juicy.

We are to expect new data center GPU architectures each and every year, where the next one to expect after the just-released H100 Hopper GPU architecture is the upcoming H200 Hopper GPU architecture in 2024, after that we'll get the B100 Blackwell GPU architecture which will arrive for both data center and AI systems, as well as Blackwell-powered GeForce RTX 50 series desktop graphics cards... that's what I want to see.

  • A = Ampere
  • H = Hopper
  • B = Blackwell
  • X = unknown for now

What has interested me more than the next-gen Blackwell GPU series from NVIDIA's new data center GPU roadmap is the reference to "X" which could be a scientist's last name -- just like the Ada Lovelace, Hopper, Blackwell, and more -- or simply, it could be a placeholder for something totally different. Whatever it is, NVIDIA has already teased us with "X100" and its release in 2025, at least for now.

We should expect NVIDIA to tease -- or even formally announce -- its next-gen B100 "Blackwell" GPU architecture at GTC 2024, NVIDIA's own GPU Technology Conference, set for March 18, 2024. I wouldn't be expecting any Blackwell-powered GeForce RTX 50 series graphics cards until at least the end of 2024, more likely we'll see them sometime in 2025.

As for the performance, well... that's anyone's guess right now. I'd like to see a powerhouse next-gen GeForce RTX 5090 that is twice as fast as the current beast flagship GeForce RTX 4090. We should see NVIDIA using next-generation GDDR7 memory on its GeForce RTX 50 series cards, that will blast through high-resolution gaming at ridiculous frame rates... and I seriously, seriously cannot wait.

NEWS SOURCE:videocardz.com

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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