Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017

Nintendo has made over $54 billion in net sales revenue since the Switch handheld-console hybrid system released in March 2017.

1 minute & 33 seconds read time

The Switch has transformed Nintendo's business since it released in March 2017 in both revenues and overall scope.

Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 5

The Nintendo Switch is one of Nintendo's most successful systems yet. The Switch represents the union of decades' worth of home entertainment and portable systems, and saw Nintendo merge its console and portable business units into one. This is what Nintendo has been working towards since the NES' launch in 1983.

Out of curiosity, I took a look at just how much money Nintendo has made since the Switch's launch. The handheld-console hybrid has generated a number of milestones for Nintendo, including 92.87 million unit sales, making it the fourth best-selling console of all time, and 681 million game sales (making it the third console in software). The Switch also helped Nintendo achieve all-time profit highs and the second-largest net sales revenues since the thunderous Wii's reign in the late 2000's.

There's two figures that really illustrate the Switch's power: Total net sales earnings and profits. Since the Switch released in Q4'17, the company has made an incredible $54.167 billion in cumulative quarterly and yearly revenues and over $11.373 billion in profits.

Here's a breakdown:

Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 444

So what does this mean? The unification of portable and console gaming will continue, and the Switch family will also continue. Nintendo is eager to elongate the Switch's lifespan for as long as possible and that's a big reason why the Switch OLED model was launched instead of the oft-rumored Switch Pro or Switch 4K upgrade.

That beefier, higher-end console should be on the horizon--Nintendo's own company brief indicates as much--but possibly not for another year or two as the Switch install base continues to mature and ripen over time.

Check below for more graphs and info on Switch sales:

Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 449
Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 448
Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 445
Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 446
Nintendo has made $54 billion since the Switch released in 2017 447
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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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