Call of Duty 2022 will have campaign & co-op, Infinity Ward to develop

Activision's Infinity Ward studio is currently hiring developers to work on a campaign and co-op for its next unannounced game.

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Infinity Ward is currently hiring a bunch of developers for its next big Call of Duty game, and job listings confirm COD 2022 will have singleplayer and co-op modes.

Call of Duty 2022 will have campaign & co-op, Infinity Ward to develop 12

Unlike Battlefield 2042, which will ship without a campaign for the first time in years, the Call of Duty franchise will keep its signature three-part campaign, co-op, and multiplayer combo intact for next year's release. Recent job listings from Infinity Ward show that Call of Duty 2022 are very likely to have both story-driven parts to complement the frenetic live multiplayer.

Infinity Ward is currently hiring two roles that outright mention both modes: a singleplayer game designer and a level designer for singleplayer and co-operative play.

Here's more info on each position:

SP Game Designer

Infinity Ward is looking for an experienced Single-Player Gameplay Designer to work on the next installment of one of the best-selling and most critically acclaimed shooter franchises of all time. If you can handle lots of ownership and responsibility, and if you're interested in creating highly polished cinematic experiences that impactfully draw out emotion while retaining maximum player agency, we'd love to hear from you!

  • Create compelling and immersive gameplay with innovative, memorable, and impactful moments.
  • Use your technical background for problem solving, systems creation, and scripting unique

Level Designer - Single Player and Cooperative

We are looking for a passionate and talented Level Designer to join Infinity Ward. In this hands-on role, you'll collaborate with experienced designers on creating and implementing new game features.

  • Participate with other designers in planning, creation, and support of level design documentation
  • Assist other designers with the creation of game content at the design level
  • Communicate ideas and needs with team leads and members of other disciplines
  • Monitor performance and maintain integrity of assigned game assets
  • Actively engage in peer reviews of other levels and game modes

Infinity Ward is also hiring AI programmers to ensure the next Call of Duty has "best in class AI".

Senior AI Engineer - Infinity Ward

  • Work with the AI engineering team to craft best-in-class AI technology for our next AAA title.
  • Work closely with the design and content teams to bring new AI characters and behaviors to life.
  • Collaborate with the animation team to continue improving the visual fidelity of our AI.
  • Contribute ideas for new AI architectures and technologies.
  • Design, plan, and implement performant and optimized AI systems.

It's also possible COD 2022 will utilize some advanced new form of machine learning training on next-gen consoles; both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X support ML inference, which allows unique opportunities for AI-driven gameplay changes.

Examples include Battlefield 2042's next-level 128-player multiplayer action as well as the real-time ML inference used in Miles Morales' new muscle deformation.

Activision-Blizzard is also among the top studios that support AMD's FidelityFX technology on consoles and PC, which enables new systems like sharping ray-traced reflections, Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (CAS) for improved in-game visuals, variable shading, and eventually, a new kind of supersampling technology equivalent to NVIDIA's DLSS technology.

Activision has yet to announce this year's Call of Duty, the new WWII-based Vanguard form Sledgehammer Games, so don't expect to hear about Infinity Ward's new game any time soon.

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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