Sabrent does it again: Rocket 4 Plus SSD packs insane 7GB/sec reads

Sabrent's new Rocket 4 Plus has insane speeds of 6.85GB/sec reads, available in 500GB, 1TB, and even a huge 2TB if you need space.

1 minute & 39 seconds read time

Sabrent has done it again: the company has just unveiled the next generation in storage technology with its latest Rocket 4 Plus that has absolutely insane speeds.

Sabrent does it again: Rocket 4 Plus SSD packs insane 7GB/sec reads 04

The new Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus NVMe SSD is powered by Phison's new E18 controller -- and comes in 500GB, 1TB, and 2TB capacities with read speeds that hit 7000MB/sec (7GB/sec) which is simply bonkers. Even the writes are equally insanely high, with Sabrent pushing a huge 6850MB/sec (6.85GB/sec) in sequential writes on its new Rocket 4 Plus.

You will need a PCIe 4.0-capable motherboard for this, where I would recommend a high-end AMD Ryzen 3000-series CPU and motherboard -- or if you're a content creator, an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3000-series CPU and motherboard. Either of these mixed with 1 (or more) Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus SSDs and you're in Storage Heaven.

Sabrent does it again: Rocket 4 Plus SSD packs insane 7GB/sec reads 05

You can't get to 7GB/sec without creating some massive heat -- but Sabrent is ready for that with a new custom heat sink. Sabrent mixes its new Rocket 4 Plus SSD with a state-of-the-art heat sink that the company explains is using the "winning combination of aluminum and copper".

Sabrent has a lot going on under the hood of that custom heat sink, where you can see that Sabrent uses the copper to absorb the heat coming off of the drive when it's max revving at 7GB/sec. Sabrent explains that the heat is moved away from the drive, spreading it through the grooved aluminum surface on top of the heat sink.

The company adds that "this added level of cooling efficiency allows the drive to avoid all thermal throttling, which maximizes the performance of your drive".

Sabrent does it again: Rocket 4 Plus SSD packs insane 7GB/sec reads 06

Now, this is a very big point -- you can have the fastest NVMe SSD plugged into your motherboard -- but if there's no heat sink then you will very rarely see those max speeds because the drive will thermal throttle just like a CPU or GPU would without a cooler.

You can't just pump an insane 7GB/sec for many minutes or hours at a time if the SSD isn't appropriately cooled, and Sabrent more than has your back in that department.

Buy at Amazon

Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2 Internal SSD (SB-ROCKET-NVMe4-1TB)

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* Prices last scanned on 6/13/2024 at 3:56 am CDT - prices may not be accurate, click links above for the latest price. We may earn an affiliate commission.

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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