Obsidian's next RPG to have online multiplayer

Obsidian's next RPG is already in the works for Microsoft's first-party brand.

2 minutes & 22 seconds read time

Obsidian is already working on its next RPG for Microsoft, and it should have online live elements with possible monetization.

Obsidian's next RPG to have online multiplayer | TweakTown.com

Now that Obsidian is wholly-owned by Microsoft as part of its new first-party Xbox banner, it's only natural live services fold into their upcoming games. Now we have more info on what the RPG masters are working on. The studio's next game will be RPG focused, it'll have some sort of multiplayer, it's being made in Unreal Engine 4, and it's likely a ways off.

The Fallout New Vegas devs put out a bunch of new job listings recruiting for a mystery RPG set in a new IP, calling for network engineers to "develop network and multiplayer gameplay systems using Unreal Engine" and combat designers to build first-person mechanics.

Based on the seniority of some of these open positions, the game probably won't be ready for a while. It could ship a year or so after Microsoft launches its next-generation Project Scarlett system. We also know Obsidian is quite excited about Microsoft's Game Pass subscription, so the game is assuredly being developed with the service in mind. Online play, engagement, and possible monetization are all hallmarks of first-party Xbox games, especially if they show up on Game Pass (which they all do).

The timing is interesting and it's likely the team is already developing the new project as it lays the finishing touches on The Outer Worlds.

Obsidian is right about to ship The Outer Worlds next month, a new IP developed with original Fallout creators Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain at the helm, complete with FPS mechanics, deep role-playing customization, and distinct Fallout elements. The Outer Worlds is secured by a publishing deal with Private Division so Microsoft doesn't have the rights to it.

This new project should be entirely separate from The Outer Worlds and we might get more details during E3 2020 in the future.

Obsidian Entertainment currently has 11 open job positions ranging from:

  • Lead narrative designer
  • Lightning artist
  • Character animator
  • Combat designer
  • Financial analyst
  • Engine programmer
  • Network programmer
  • Gameplay programmer
  • UI programmer
  • Graphics programmer
  • User interface artist
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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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