TweakTown's Ultimate Guide to PC Cases eBook

Our first eBook is now for sale!

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We are very happy to announce that TweakTown's very first eBook is live and now on sale.

It is titled "TweakTown's Ultimate Guide to PC Cases" and was written by our very own case and cooling expert Chad Sebring. The extensive book goes into detail about all things cases and which is the best to buy and much more.

TweakTown's Ultimate Guide to PC Cases eBook |

TweakTown have reviewed literally hundreds of PC cases and their main PC case reviewer, Chad Sebring, reflects and summarizes all of his experiences and knowledge in the field in this comprehensive guide to choosing your next chassis.

Other parts of a PC build like the motherboard, CPU and graphics card usually get a lot more attention than the case, but a case purchase can outlast all the other hardware ... and it is what you actually look at on the outside too.

This eBook explains what you need to consider when choosing a PC case, including the form factor, motherboard compatibility, materials and construction and the weight durability and look.

The all important topic of cooling is also discussed including CFM, noise, static pressure, fan size, water cooling options, air ducts, fan shrouds and dust filtration. Combining a power supply choice with a case choice is also exposed, including the wattage, PSU size, cable length, modular designs and their orientation in the case.

Just when you think you have all the facts you'd need, the drive bays, expansion slots, motherboard trays, side panels, case lighting and bay devices are explained. So too are the various types of cases, like desktop vs ATX vs HTPC vs SSF and more.

There's even some information on basic mods including tooling, choosing a window, adding an extra fan, etc. To top it all off, TweakTown's top ten picks of case reviews from the first half of 2011 are included in the eBook. Spend you case money wisely and with knowledge by getting all the facts in TweakTown's Ultimate Guide to PC Cases.

We would like to thank our publisher MetaPlume who did a great job putting it all together for us. At the moment it is on Amazon as a Kindle Edition for $8.99 and it will be available on other eBook stores next week.


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Cameron founded TweakTown® in 1999 after it originally started off as his personal homepage. Cameron was once, many years ago, the only person producing content, but nowadays, he spends his time ensuring the company and website operates at its best in his managing director position.

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