Audio for 2011

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Corsair Vengeance 1500 Gaming Headset Review

Corsair Vengeance 1500 Gaming Headset Review

December 15, 2011 | Corsair is back with a couple of new headsets from the Vengeance series and today we will be looking at the 1500 which is a USB headset featuring support for software based surround sound with Dolby Headphone.

Corsair Vengeance 1300 Gaming Headset Review

Corsair Vengeance 1300 Gaming Headset Review

December 9, 2011 | Corsair is back with a couple of new headsets from the Vengeance series. Today we will be looking at the 1300 - a standard 3.5mm version built to take advantage of today's best sound cards.

Tek-Republic TH Pro Virtual 7.1 Surround Gaming Headset Review

Tek-Republic TH Pro Virtual 7.1 Surround Gaming Headset Review

November 27, 2011 | We have not yet reviewed any audio products from Tek-Republic, so let this be our first with the TH Pro Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound USB driven headset. Can it impress?

WOWee One Classic Power Bass Portable Speaker Review

WOWee One Classic Power Bass Portable Speaker Review

November 21, 2011 | We check out something a little different today in the WOWee One Classic Power Bass Portable Speaker. Let's crank it up!

Thermaltake eSPORTS Shock Spin HD Gaming Headset Review

Thermaltake eSPORTS Shock Spin HD Gaming Headset Review

October 25, 2011 | Earlier in the year we took a look at the 'Shock One' gaming headset from Tt eSPORTS and were quite impressed. Today we examine another product from the same lineup.

Arctic Sound E461 Earphones Review

Arctic Sound E461 Earphones Review

May 30, 2011 | Arctic Sound is back again, this time with an all new earphone solution boasting a slightly edgier look and some chrome to top it off. Let's take a look!

Microlab SOLO6C Powered Stereo Speakers Review

Microlab SOLO6C Powered Stereo Speakers Review

May 25, 2011 | Today we have some very slick stereo speakers from Microlab in house. Claiming proper Hi-Fi performance, let's take a look and see for ourselves.

Logitech Ultimate Ears 100 Noise Isolating Earphones Review

Logitech Ultimate Ears 100 Noise Isolating Earphones Review

May 3, 2011 | Logitech has a worldwide reputation for its 'Ultimate Ears' line of professional grade in ear monitors. Today we have the Ultimate Ears 100, which form part of Logitech's entry into the product line.

Creative Labs Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Sigma Headset Review

Creative Labs Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Sigma Headset Review

April 26, 2011 | Although we have tested several outstanding audio products from Creative Labs in the past, this is the first Gaming Headset we have seen from the company; part of a new line dubbed 'Tactic 3D'.

Corsair SP2200 2.1 Speaker System Review

Corsair SP2200 2.1 Speaker System Review

March 23, 2011 | Today we have another audio product from Corsair in the SP2200 2.1 speaker system which comes in at a low price and with a very small amount of space required.

Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth Speaker Review

Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth Speaker Review

March 16, 2011 | We get rid of that annoying Bluetooth ear piece and check out the CRUISER2 from Jabra. Can it replace the ol' headset?

Corsair HS1A Stereo Gaming Headset Review

Corsair HS1A Stereo Gaming Headset Review

March 2, 2011 | The first HS1 Headset from Corsair impressed us last year in more ways than one. Now we have a slightly different version for use with dedicated sound cards, minus the USB processing.

Thermaltake eSPORTS Shock One Gaming Headset

Thermaltake eSPORTS Shock One Gaming Headset

February 22, 2011 | Long time manufacturer of professional gaming gear Thermaltake has branched off into the world of audio products. We take a look at one of these - the Shock One Gaming Headset.

Corsair Gaming Audio Series SP2500 2.1 Speaker System Review

Corsair Gaming Audio Series SP2500 2.1 Speaker System Review

February 4, 2011 | To kick start the year in audio, Corsair has its very first speaker system. And if this is anything like the headset they made last year, look out!

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