Audio for 2009
Our Audio content sorted from newest to oldest for 2009. You can also search by sub-category and year to narrow down your search.
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SteelSeries Siberia V2 Pro Gaming Headset
December 14, 2009 | SteelSeries bring new and improved sounds with their Version 2 Siberia headphones. AJ checks them out to see if they tick all the right boxes.

AVLabs AVL787 Bedside Companion Speaker System
November 15, 2009 | AVLabs are another new company of which we've heard nothing at all about before. We're ready to be impressed...

ZOWIE Hammer Gaming Headset
November 11, 2009 | Continuing with the seemingly endless flood of new 'gamer oriented' companies, let's welcome ZOWIE and the Hammer headset.

Microsoft Zune HD and AV Dock Personal Media Player
October 15, 2009 | In the world of the Personal Media Player the game just got more interesting as Microsoft releases the Zune HD.

Razer Megalodon 7.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset
September 17, 2009 | Razer is a company that gamers have a lot to say about. Let's take a closer look at why that is today with the Megalodon 7.1 gaming headset.

Steel Series Siberia Special Red Edition Full-size Gaming Headset
September 7, 2009 | Candy for the ears, Steel Series shows us you can have the sounds and the looks with their new primo series head-cans!

SteelSeries Siberia Full-Size Gaming Headset
July 27, 2009 | SteelSeries is a company that gamers respect. Let's take another look at why that is today with the Siberia Special Ed. Red Gaming Headset.

Eagle Arion ET-AR504LR-BK 2.1 Soundstage Speakers
July 23, 2009 | Having not dealt with Eagle Tech before, they have a clean slate from which to hopefully impress us today with one of their 2.1 speaker kits.

Dolby Labs Interviewed Regarding PC Audio
July 21, 2009 | Our audiophile James interviews Devon Bergman of Dolby Labs' PC segment to discuss the company's involvement with regard to PC audio.

HyperSonic Sound (HSS) Technology - Reinventing Sound
July 15, 2009 | It's not every day that a new technology comes along which promises to change our day to day lives profoundly, but today is one of those days.

AKAI AISS010 All-In-One Entertainment System
July 7, 2009 | Wouldn't it be great if one unit could handle most of our multimedia needs in one fell swoop? Today AKAI are back again, attempting to do just that.

TweakTown's 2009 Mid Year Audio Roundup
June 20, 2009 | So far this year we have seen an interesting array of new audio products & ideas. Today we consolidate & look back at some of the standout items.

AKAI ATT023U USB Turntable
June 8, 2009 | AKAI has been around since the dawn of consumer electronics. Today we test out their new ATT023U USB turntable for continuing vinyl record lovers.

Sharkoon X-Tatic Digital 5.1 Headphones
April 17, 2009 | Sharkoon are a relatively new company with a fresh product that is sure to make many users re-think their notion of 5.1 sound.

Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset
March 4, 2009 | AJ says you can be loud and proud with Razer's latest flagship stereo headphones and mic.

ASUS Travelite HS-1000W Wireless Headset
February 18, 2009 | Alongside its range of Xonar sound cards, ASUS takes a shot at the headset market with the wireless HS-1000W and James checks them out today.

Interview with James Hildebrandt of Psyko Audio Labs
February 15, 2009 | Our audiophile James has caught up with the CEO of Psyko Audio Labs to talk about the company's new award-winning Psyko 5.1 PC Gaming Headphones.

Hercules XPS 2.150 Multimedia Speaker System
January 18, 2009 | James takes a look at a multi-purpose 2.1 speaker kit from Hercules which won't break the bank.

ASUS Xonar Essence STX Sound Card
January 12, 2009 | James is back in business and this time he looks at a special Xonar offering from ASUS, essentially a headphone pre-amp for discerning audiophiles.

Samsung YP-Q1 MP3 Player
January 11, 2009 | This sleek and sexy new player from Samsung makes you look cooler than before; and without becoming an Apple fanboy!