HERE completes successful demo of C-ITS system ahead of Finland pilot

HERE has completed a successful initial technology demonstration of the traffic information system it will pilot in Finland over the next two years.

In a small-scale test conducted on roads in the Greater Helsinki area, the system performed well in distributing targeted notifications about road hazards and conditions to relevant vehicles at low latencies, according to VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland, which carried out a technical assessment. HERE is now moving onto the next phase of the pilot, which from Spring 2016 will cover three major highways in southern Finland.

The pilot will be the first C-ITS (cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems) deployment based on 4G/LTE mobile networks. It utilizes standard and commercial networks as well as location cloud and data analytics from HERE to connect vehicles and traffic management centers in an intelligent system. The aim is that drivers can report road hazards and have an increased awareness of the road, such as where specifically there might be black ice or an animal on the road, sudden traffic build-up, or an accident. HERE, which announced in June its selection by the Finnish traffic agencies to lead the pilot, is working with traffic information management service company Infotripla in the implementation.

This particular pilot does not require the deployment of any additional roadside infrastructure, such as DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) equipment. HERE's approach instead centres on how standard and commercial mobile networks can underpin C-ITS systems where data from vehicles and connected road infrastructure could be gathered, analyzed, enriched and distributed back to vehicles and infrastructure at sub-second rates.

HERE is currently discussing potential similar solutions in other countries, with potential adopters also attracted by the easy scalability of the system across large areas, its interoperability across borders and its affordability in comparison to many alternative ITS designs.

VTT's technology assessment report can be found on the website of NordicWay, a public-private collaboration that is exploring how such technologies could lead to the creation of a C-ITS corridor across Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

You can read an interview with Kimmo Kauvo, senior scientist at VTT, on HERE 360.

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:10 pm CDT

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