We are proud to announce that as of January 1 2013, EK Water Blocks will be joining the HWBOT force as partner. EK Water Blocks, Ljubljana based premium computer water cooling gear manufacturer, founded in 1999 by Edvard Konig, is determined to excel in a niche market of performance upgrades for computers. With continuous research and development, EKWB has established a portfolio of products for water cooling. Quality and breathtaking design on the technological edge is the philosophy.

HWBOT, main office located in Belgium, is a dynamic team of international hardware fanatics as well as internationally recognized overclockers, dedicated to gathering specifications and benchmark performance results of computer hardware as well as serving a non-stop overclocking competition platform for amateur and die-hard overclockers. One can use HWBOT to compare processor or graphics card specifications, to compare the performance of different products using the HWBOT Hardware comparator which gives people a more balanced view on the overclocking capabilities as well as the performance of hardware in comparison to one-man based reviews.
EK Water Blocks support will make HWBOT financially viable and enable them to continue promoting overclocking and supporting its communities. With EK Water Blocks's support, HWBOT have found extra motivation to make the site as pleasant as possible for the overclocking community!
Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:07 pm CDT