AVADirect Now Offers 48GB of RAM In Select Systems

AVADirect Now Offers 48GB of RAM In Select Systems | TweakTown.com

The powers that be have decided to add a gratuitous amount of RAM to four of our non-ECC RAM-based configurators. How much? 48GB worth; WOW! You might be asking yourself at this very moment, "Who is going to need 48GB of non-ECC?" The answer is quite simple; enthusiasts, gamers, engineers, scientists, artists, extremists, those who care for bragging rights and this list could go on for a few more lines but I'll spare you the rant. The point is we allow you to choose that amount of RAM in select configurators, should your heart just happen to desire it. RAM is the one specification that is maxed out at the point of purchase. This is usually to keep the system relevant to current software demands, and convenience so you don't have to go running around like a chicken with your head cut off looking for the exact same RAM kit you purchased X years ago to upgrade your system. Besides, RAM prices are the cheapest they have ever been in years so you might as well load up your machine with as much resource as you can. Don't be shy, and don't ask why...add 48GB of RAM to your computer and throw it in your friend's faces, or the developers' of those resource-hungry applications that seem to think it's okay to bog your system down from chowing down on your resource like there's tomorrow. You can view the select configurators that offer the 48GB non-ECC RAM with the links below.

Workstation PC Six-Core Core™ i7 3-way SLI® CrossFireX™ Graphics Computer Workstation

Gaming PC Core™ i7 X58 3-way SLI® / CrossFireX™ Custom Gaming System

Gaming PC Core™ i7 NVIDIA® 3D Vision™ Surround Gaming System

Silent PC Core™ i7 X58 Low-Noise Custom Computer System

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:05 pm CDT

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