MSI mainboards redefine CPU extremes!

MSI mainboards redefine CPU extremes!

Fully Support Intel 32nm B1 Stepping Core i7-980X Extreme native 6-core processors

MSI mainboards redefine CPU extremes! 11

[Taipei-Taiwan]To provide consumers more comprehensive upgrade services, MSI, the world-leading mainboard and graphic card manufacturer, announced today that all MSI Intel X58-based mainboards will support the latest Intel Core i7-980X Extreme, the 32nm B1 stepping native 6-core CPU. So in the beginning of product design, MSI's total consideration about upgradability is shown, and also the greater scalability to consumers is brought.

MSI mainboards redefine CPU extremes! 12

On the market, the Intel Core i7-980X Extreme processor, which adopts the cutting-edge 32nm process and B1 stepping, is the first native 6-core CPU for home and office use, and the multi-tasking performance provide by the CPUs will bring users the most impressive experience of performance. The MSI X58 mainboards have been a heat on the market and earned innumerable awards from worldwide media since they were launched for their outstanding specifications and performance. Another heat is expected from them for their full support and compatibility with the Intel Coire-i7 980X Extreme CPUs. As reasons above, MSI X58 mainboards will undoubtedly the first choice for the overclockers thirst for the extreme performance!

Model List and BIOS Version Supported

MSI mainboards redefine CPU extremes! 13

Last updated: Apr 7, 2020 at 12:01 pm CDT

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