Monday, April 15, 2019 - Blizzard today announced the specific locations for both the Pacific and Atlantic Showdowns. The Pacific Showdown will be held from May 24-26 in Shanghai, China, while the Atlantic Showdown will be in Krefeld, Germany, from May 31-June 2.
The top teams from all eight Overwatch Contenders regions will participate in these live events, which are scheduled during breaks in the Overwatch League to maximize scouting opportunities for the game's up-and-coming professionals.
For more information regarding Atlantic and Pacific Showdown tournament format, broadcast schedule and ticketing, click here.
Additionally, format details for the pinnacle of the 2019 Overwatch Contenders season-The Gauntlet-were announced today. More information on tournament format and how regions can qualify for The Gauntlet is available here. Broadcast schedule, location, and ticket information will be revealed later this year.
Season 1 of the Contenders 2019 season is underway. Catch all the action by following Overwatch Contenders on Twitch and Twitter!