17th Janurary 2019, Göteborg, Sweden - Swedish developer YCJY today released the official game reveal trailer for its upcoming title Sea Salt, coming to PC in 2019. In the action strategy hybrid players take the role of Dagon, the old God, the eldritch force of the sea, summoning unfathomable horrors to punish those who dare to defy their will.
In Sea Salt players control an unruly swarm of nightmarish creatures, cultists and horrors from the unknown corners of the sea, leading them like a hive mind onto human territory. A multitude of monstrous followers are waiting to be unlocked and summoned as players progress through a gothic dark fantasy story. Fear and the element of surprise will be used as weapons when overcoming bloodthirsty hunters and tenacious bosses on the way to claiming the true sacrifice.
The story of Sea Salt revolves around the unseen player character Dagon, The Old God, the Eldritch force of the sea. For years Dagon was willing to offer humanity fair winds for their fishing vessels in exchange for their prayers, and a sacrifice when the time came. The humans were happy to enjoy the riches and prosperity provided by Dagon. They knew the price, but cowardice overtook their faith when the time came to collect their debts. The Bishop of the new faith defied Dagon's will, so the horrors of the deep will emerge to claim what is theirs.
In addition to the story campaign Sea Salt includes a 'Tower Defence' mode, once again role-reversed so the followers of Dagon are on the attack! The round starts with NPC humans setting up guards and defences around a map, then it's up to the player to destroy it all for the glory of the Old God. Different maps feature different win conditions and special enemies seen in the story mode as enemies.
"We have played so many games in the role of a hero that fights super cool monsters and we always thought it's time for them to win for once", says Josef, half of of YCJY . "So with Sea Salt we wanted to flip that formula and let players be the God that controls the mighty dark armies that are usually controlled by the computer. We had really good fun making the game so far and hope players will feel the same playing it."
Sea Salt was originally funded with a successful Kickstarter campaign in April 2018 and is now being funded by Kowloon Nights.
You can find more info and assets about the game in the press kit.
For the latest news around Sea Salt follow the game on Twitter or visit the official website.
Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 at 05:39 pm CDT