NVIDIA posts gigantic 769% annual profit growth in Q4 FY24, shares continue to skyrocket

NVIDIA continues to impress, posting a record 769% annual profit growth in Q4, with Data Center revenues in Q4 FY24 hitting $18.4 billion.

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NVIDIA has just posted its Q4 FY24 financial report, blowing everyone out of the water with $22 billion in revenue thanks to the AI GPU dominance the company has been firing on all cylinders with. Check it out:

NVIDIA Q4 FY24 revenue (source: NVIDIA)

NVIDIA Q4 FY24 revenue (source: NVIDIA)

Before the release, analysts were predicting $20.6 billion in revenue, but NVIDIA beat that with $22.1 billion for the three-month period. NVIDIA beat its own profit and revenue records here, where you can see in the chart NVIDIA posted above that its Data Center business is raking in all the cash.

Back in Q1 FY23, the company made $3.75 billion in revenue from its Data Center business, but now that has absolutely skyrocketed by 409% annually, whereas in Q4 FY24, the Data Center business did an absolutely incredible $18.4 billion in revenue.

This is up $4 billion from the previous quarter and up over $14 billion in the quarter before that. Incredible stuff from NVIDIA, but no surprise as it's selling every AI GPU it makes and can't make enough of them with supply chain issues that are now slowly being ironed out, and more AI GPU shipments are taking place.

What about the gaming business? You know, NVIDIA's previous bread and butter with its range of GeForce RTX series graphics cards. NVIDIA's Gaming business isn't doing as well as it did 18 months ago, where in Q1 FY23 the Gaming business pulled $3.6 billion in revenue, while a year ago it dropped to $1.8 billion, it has come back up to $2.8 billion in Q4 FY24. This is close to 1/6 of what the Data Center revenue was this quarter, showing how important the AI GPU business and Data Center revenue is to NVIDIA. It's undeniable.

NVIDIA posts gigantic 769% annual profit growth in Q4 FY24, shares continue to skyrocket 163

We'll see the Gaming business numbers from NVIDIA change later this year, when it launches its next-gen GeForce RTX 50 series "Blackwell" GPUs. The Data Center business is only going to continue with its success and record-breaking revenue, with the beefed-up H200 AI GPU being released soon, and the next-gen B100 AI GPU based on the unannounced Blackwell GPU architecture coming later this year.

Nothing can stop NVIDIA right now, and nothing AMD has up its sleeves can even be a blip on NVIDIA's radar for the rest of the year at the very, very least.

NEWS SOURCE:wccftech.com

Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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