Albatron show PCI HDMI graphics cards

8600GT, 8500GT and 8400GS.

38 seconds read time
Fudzilla managed to meet up with Albatron here in Taiwan and got a look at a couple new PCI graphics cards (yes - you read correctly, not PCI Express x16).

There are some companies out there who are making Radeon HD 3850 PCI cards but not so many that are producing GeForce based PCI products. Albatron intends to announce 8600GT, 8500GT and 8400GS PCI cards at Computex next week and they will all get HDMI output.

While that may not sound too exciting, Albatron believes that it has found a niche market for users who do not wish to upgrade their aging computer systems, just to get the latest in graphics.

While these are no power house graphics cards, they'll be good for some basic casual gaming of even current games at a low resolution and of course are perfect for someone looking to build a HTPC with old parts laying around the house or office.

You can read more over at Fudzilla.

Cameron founded TweakTown® in 1999 after it originally started off as his personal homepage. Cameron was once, many years ago, the only person producing content, but nowadays, he spends his time ensuring the company and website operates at its best in his managing director position.

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