The Witcher and Cyberpunk franchises have sold over 85 million units combined

CD Projekt RED's franchises, The Witcher and Cyberpunk, have sold a combined 80 million copies across all PC and console platforms in worldwide regions.

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CD Projekt's games have sold over 85 million units to date, making the Polish games developer a force to be reckoned with in terms of long-term unit sales.

The Witcher and Cyberpunk franchises have sold over 85 million units combined 4

Cyberpunk 2077 is a monumental success for CD Projekt RED that has sold 20 million units to date, which is as many copies as the original two Witcher games. The studio has now confirmed that all of its four games combined have shipped and sold a mighty 85 million, which puts it ahead of the last-recorded figures for the Monster Hunter franchise (84 million).

"We have delivered four profound and memorable games that continue to appeal to more and more gamers. We are proud to announce that Cyberpunk 2077 has sold over 20 million copies. With this, we have collectively sold over 85 million games of our four flagship games so far," CD Projekt president Adam Kicinski said in a recent strategy meeting.

  • Witcher 3 - 45 million
  • Cyberpunk 2077 - 20 million
  • Witcher 1 & 2 - 20 million

CD Projekt is currently planning a bunch of new games, including a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel codenamed Orion, which is expected to have online multiplayer, and a new remake of the original Witcher game in Unreal Engine 5.

There's also a new Witcher trilogy in the works, too.

Kicinski says that these strong franchise sales figures help anchor the company's overall independence on the market:

"Thanks to full creative and financial independence, we truly feel that our future is in our hands. It is deeply motivating."

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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