Mars satellite finishes imaging the planet's entire surface

The China National Space Administration's Tianwen-1 spacecraft has finished its mission to image the entire Martian surface.

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China's Tianwen-1 satellite orbiting Mars has finished photographing the entire surface of the Red Planet.

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The China National Space Administration (CNSA) launched Tianwen-1, which translates to "quest for heavenly truth," on July 23rd, 2020, consisting of six separate spacecraft: an orbiting satellite, two deployable cameras, a lander, a remote camera, and the Zhurong rover. The orbiter circled Mars 1,344 times to complete its primary mission of imaging the planet, contributing to the 1,040 gigabytes of raw scientific data it has captured so far.

The data collected by the Tianwen-1 orbiter has been processed by scientists back on Earth and is now in the hands of researchers for further analysis. Tianwen-1 marks the third successful attempt in history to send an orbiter to Mars and to have a rover land on the planet in the same mission, the first two being NASA's Viking 1 and 2 missions in 1975. The Zhurong rover's successful operation on Mars also makes it the third nation to land working spacecraft on the planet.

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North pole of Mars. (Credit: CNSA)

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Black-and-white picture of Mars taken by Tianwen 1. (Credit: CNSA)

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Black-and-white picture of Mars taken by Tianwen 1. (Credit: CNSA)

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Adam grew up watching his dad play Turok 2 and Age of Empires on a PC in his computer room, and learned a love for video games through him. Adam was always working with computers, which helped build his natural affinity for working with them, leading to him building his own at 14, after taking apart and tinkering with other old computers and tech lying around. Adam has always been very interested in STEM subjects, and is always trying to learn more about the world and the way it works.

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