Steam Deck benchmarked: 60FPS in AAA games, Cyberpunk 2077 at 30FPS

Valve's new Steam Deck benchmarked: DOOM Eternal and Shadow of the Tomb Raider at up to 60FPS, Cyberpunk 2077 at 20-30FPS average.

2 minutes & 11 seconds read time

Valve's new Steam Deck portable gaming consoles will be running an AMD APU and Steam OS, and has now had some early benchmarks run on it with a few different games.

Steam Deck benchmarked: 60FPS in AAA games, Cyberpunk 2077 at 30FPS 03

The new benchmarks run were run by a Chinese user who ran some tests on Shadow of the Tomb Raider, DOOM Eternal, Dota 2, and even Cyberpunk 2077. Performance is impressive across the board, with the Steam Deck running Shadow of the Tomb Raider at 30-60FPS average depending on the graphics settings.

Even a great-looking, and very well-optimized game like DOOM Eternal was running at 46FPS average on a custom graphics setting, and up to 60FPS average on low graphics settings. The super-popular Dota cranks along at 47FPS average on high settings, while it pushes 80FPS average on low settings.

Valve's portable Steam Deck can even run something like Cyberpunk 2077 at very respectable frame rates, with 20-30FPS average on high graphics settings. You could tweak those graphics settings in Cyberpunk 2077 and hit 40-60FPS average.

As for thermals, the Valve Steam Deck was running at around 43C on the back, and 29C on the grips -- important to stay cool as your hands are holding them. After 3 hours of gaming use, battery life dropped to 46% while you should get 4-5 hours of gaming out of the Steam Deck in handheld mode.

  • Shadow of The Tomb Raider (High) - 30+ FPS Average
  • Shadow of The Tomb Raider (Custom) - 60+ FPS Average
  • Doom Eternal (Custom) - 46 FPS Average
  • Doom Eternal (Low) - 60 FPS Average
  • DOTA 2 (High) - 47 FPS
  • DOTA 2 (Low) - 80 FPS
  • Cyberpunk 2077 (High) - 20 - 30 FPS
Steam Deck benchmarked: 60FPS in AAA games, Cyberpunk 2077 at 30FPS 02

Valve Steam Deck Specifications

  • Processor: AMD APU
  • CPU: Zen 2 4c/8t, 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32)
  • GPU: 8 RDNA 2 CUs, 1.0-1.6GHz (up to 1.6 TFlops FP32)
  • APU power: 4-15W
  • RAM: 16 GB LPDDR5 RAM (5500 MT/s)
  • Storage: 64 GB eMMC (PCIe Gen 2 x1)
  • 256 GB NVMe SSD (PCIe Gen 3 x4)
  • 512 GB high-speed NVMe SSD (PCIe Gen 3 x4)
  • All models include a high-speed microSD card slot
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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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