Gamers Nexus expose GIGABYTE power supplies EXPLODING, 50% are DOA

GIGABYTE GP-P850GM & GP-P750GM power supplies are exploding, so GIGABYTE has released a public statement addressing the issues.

2 minutes & 48 seconds read time

Uh, so there are GIGABYTE power supplies that are exploding... and now the company has released a statement about the situation.

The two PSUs that are exploding are GIGABYTE's GP-P750GM & GP-P850GM, which were sold in Newegg bundles earlier this year with particular GeForce RTX 30 series graphics cards. Gamers Nexus are all over it as usual and have been testing these power supplies for months now.

Gamers Nexus has been buying up the two GIGABYTE PSUs in bulk for months, exposing this insanity. GN discovered that the P850 is pretty bad, but the P750 is just... there are no words. 50% of the GIGABYTE GP-P750GM PSUs that Gamers Nexus purchased were completely dead... right out of the box... or they exploded when they were testing them.

Yes, exploded.

But don't worry, GIGABYTE is aware of it... which does nothing really, because this literally should never have happened in the first place and it's disgusting to see it even happen. Anyway, GIGABYTE has explained: "GIGABYTE takes pride in the design and quality of our products and as such, takes reports of this manner extremely seriously and therefore would like to address the reported potential issues as follows".

Gamers Nexus expose GIGABYTE power supplies EXPLODING, 50% are DOA 01
Gamers Nexus expose GIGABYTE power supplies EXPLODING, 50% are DOA 02
  • For desktop PC systems, there can occasionally be instances where the peak wattage can exceed the intended usage range. During such instances, the GIGABYTE GP-P850GM / GP-P750GM model power supplies include the industry standard built-in safety feature "Over Power Protection" (OPP). The OPP safety feature is designed to shut down the unit when the power load exceeds the wattage the unit was designed to operate within. The OPP was set to 120% to 150%, 1020W~1300W for GP-P850GM, and 900W~1125W for the GP-P750GM.
  • GIGABYTE, appreciates and takes into consideration any feedback and suggestions from our media partners and PC hardware professionals. We were made aware by third parties of concerns regarding potential issues of the GP-P850GM and GP-P750GM tripping at high wattages when tested via DC Electronic Load equipment for extended lengths of time repeatedly close to the 120% to 150% OPP trigger point. This level of extended testing could severely reduce the lifespan of the product and components of the GP-P850GM and GP-P750GM.
  • To address these potential issues raised by third parties, specifically, those discovered during their testing via DC Electronic Load equipment for extended lengths of time repeatedly close to the 120% to 150% OPP trigger point. GIGABYTE has made adjustments and lowered the OPP on GP-P850GM and GP-P750GM to the below values.
  • GP-P850GM- Adjusted OPP trigger point range from 120% ~ 150% to 110% ~ 120%

Before: 1020W ~ 1300W

After: 950W ~ 1050W

  • GP-P750GM- Adjusted OPP trigger point range from 120% ~ 150% to 110% ~ 120%

Before: 900W ~ 1125W

After: 825W ~ 925W

  • GIGABYTE highly values the confidence and trust all our customers have in our product quality and after sale services. GIGABYTE would like to stress the potential issues that were reported, only seemed to occur after very long time periods of extreme load testing via DC Electronic load equipment and would not be typical of any real-world usage.
  • GIGABYTE GP-P850GM and GP-P750GM PSU's included industry standard power protection designs OCP, OTP, OVP, OPP, UVP, and SCP.
  • Safety certification from various countries to ensure safe and stable operation of your system.
  • To offer customers complete peace of mind, any serial number not listed in Appendix 1 are the amended OPP settings as listed in point 3.
  • Despite the fact that both before & after OPP adjustment versions are reliable for real-world usage, we still offer owners of the GP-P850GM or GP-P750GM products included in the serial number range listed in Appendix 1 can apply for the *GP-P850GM and GP-P750GM return and exchange service.
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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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