Reports link online child sex abuse directly to Facebook Messenger

A new report directly connects child sex abuse online to Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Messenger.

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A new report out of The New York Times has connected the use of Facebook Messenger to the reports of child sex abuse online.

Reports link online child sex abuse directly to Facebook Messenger |

According to "people familiar with the reports" out of the 18.4 million worldwide reports of child sex abuse online, an immense 12 million of those source back to Facebook Messenger. Back in March, Facebook announced its new initiative to make their platform more secure, and while this effort would benefit majority of the user-base, throughout its execution nefarious users would also become more secure.

Encrypting messengers on their own platform would make it much more difficult for the company to track abusers and sexual predators, which would greatly influence the fact that Facebook is the majority holder when it comes to reports on their platform. Zuckerberg said back in March, "Encryption is a powerful tool for privacy, but that includes the privacy of people doing bad things. When billions of people use a service to connect, some of them are going to misuse it for truly terrible things like child exploitation, terrorism, and extortion."

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Jak joined the TweakTown team in 2017 and has since reviewed 100s of new tech products and kept us informed daily on the latest science, space, and artificial intelligence news. Jak's love for science, space, and technology, and, more specifically, PC gaming, began at 10 years old. It was the day his dad showed him how to play Age of Empires on an old Compaq PC. Ever since that day, Jak fell in love with games and the progression of the technology industry in all its forms. Instead of typical FPS, Jak holds a very special spot in his heart for RTS games.

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