Remedy hiring writer for new P7 action IP

The devs behind Max Payne and Alan Wake are making an exciting new action-based IP, and they need a writer to build the narrative.

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Remedy Entertainment is hiring a writer to help pen the story for P7, the developer's new action-based IP.

Remedy hiring writer for new P7 action IP |

Remedy, the team that brought us Alan Wake, Max Payne, and Quantum Break, is working on a mysterious new multi-platform, third-person action game codenamed P7 that promises a new original story alongside a long-lasting experience, possibly hinting at a service-game hook. "Featuring an intriguing story and a game structure offering a long-lasting experience, P7 contains the deepest game mechanics yet in a Remedy game," Remedy wrote in an older press release.

To ensure P7 can tick all those boxes--especially the story department--Remedy is currently hiring a writer that will help manifest and lay the groundwork for the game's ambitious scope. This isn't a senior writing position, however, hinting the studio already has an idea of P7's story; instead this candidate will work alongside the team to do a number of tasks--in other words this listing isn't calling for someone to dream up the entirety of P7's storyline.

"As a writer, you will be a part of our narrative team and create new games with us. You'll brainstorm story scenarios, create dialogue, characters, transmedia products, marketing materials-the works. As part of our larger development team, you'll work closely with other departments to implement and iterate the material you have created," the listing reads.

"Remedy takes storytelling and characters seriously. We want to push the boundaries of what interactive stories in games can do. Our writing team is small, close knit, and wildly creative. We're looking for an experienced writer who can actively contribute and innovate, not just write things to spec. At the same time, we need someone with a firm grasp of production realities, schedules, and scope. We enthusiastically welcome diverse viewpoints and backgrounds."

While P7 isn't specifically mentioned, it's Remedy's big new project. In fact, the indie studio recently signed a 20-year deal with 505 Games to publish P7 on all platforms.

Remedy signed a partnership with 505 Games that gives the publisher 20-year publisher rights to its new P7 game while Remedy retains the IP rights. 505 Games also gave Remedy an extra 7.75 million Euros in development funding, and will pay for marketing and publishing for P7's digital and retail versions across the globe. 505 Games will also receive payment of 45% royalties of all net sales of P7.

While P7's identity may remain a secret for a few years, one thing's for sure: the game should be a huge experience that will likely explore new territory for Remedy.

Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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