Kayaker and GoPro camera row off a 60-foot tall waterfall

Kayaker rows off a 60-foot tall waterfall with GoPro attached to show us how insane he is on a very cool video.

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You can bet that if your average action sports junkie is doing something crazy, they will have at least one camera in tow. You can also bet that most of the time the video of said crazy stunt will end up on YouTube. A kayaker named Dane Jackson took his kayak and a GoPro camera along with some friends to a waterfall in Veracruz, Mexico.

Kayaker and GoPro camera row off a 60-foot tall waterfall | TweakTown.com

The team of people had to climb a cliff and drag the kayak up the cliff to perform the stunt. The drop from the river up top to the river below the falls is 60-feet. With the GoPro on, Jackson paddled off the edge and plummeted to the water below.

One of the coolest things about the video to me is that he stays on the water after dropping over the edge for a while and controls the kayak with the paddle as he falls down. At the end of the video, it appears that he ends up under the water briefly, but it's hard to tell if he is just swamped with water from the falls after hitting the lower river surface. With a fall from that height, I could certainly see the kayak going under for a bit.

NEWS SOURCE:mashable.com

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