A new report has stated Sony is casting Middle Eastern actors for an upcoming project that is "likely" the next God of War game based on Egyptian mythology.
The new information comes from Daniel Richtman, a known leaker of insider information within the entertainment industry, and not particularly the games industry. However, it's common for these two industries to have some crossover, especially with casting calls for characters to be played. According to Richtman, Sony is currently casting Middle Eastern actors for an unknown AAA title, writing in a post on Patreon that the project is "likely to be the next God of War that explores Egyptian mythology."
It should be noted this isn't the first time Egyptian mythology and God of War have been said in the same sentence, as the 2018 "Making Of" God of War documentary features a segment where creative director Cory Barlog said the studio initially considered Egyptian mythology as the setting for the first God of War game, but ultimately the team decided to go with Norse mythology instead.
While the possibility of an Egyptian mythology-based God of War game is certainly exciting, it should be noted that Sony nor God of War developers Santa Monica Studios haven't confirmed anything about a new God of War game, which means you should definitely take this information with a healthy amount of skepticism. What is confirmed for God of War is a TV adaptation, which is reportedly in "production hell."