Age of Empires and Age of Mythology were a few of the very first games I ever played as a child, and for that reason are part of the foundation that spawned my love for gaming. Now, 20 years later, Age of Mythology is getting a re-release but with a fresh coat of paint, modern real-time-strategy (RTS) features, fresh animations, and new civilizations. Introducing, Age of Mythology: Retold.
Hopping straight into Age of Mythology: Retold we are hit with that incredible nostalgia-triggering soundtrack, but our eyes are blessed with a completely redesigned menu screen. Moving over to play a quick match, the god selection screen has been completely redesigned with a much more cleaner layout that has split each of the gods up into separate pantheons, clearly outlined different game settings and maps, while also showcasing the addition of the new god Freyr.
In this match I played Zeus with the following settings: Standard Game Type, Standard Victory Condition, Standard Starting Resources, Medium Game Speed, Titans on, and Difficulty set to Standard. The match was played on Nile Shallows and was captured with OBS with the following recording settings: 4K at a bitrate of 30 Mbps with the NVIDIA NVENC H.264 encoder through OBS. I pushed all of the graphics to maximum, including Ray Tracing features, and was able to achieve a solid 120 FPS at 4K with my NVIDIA RTX 4090. However, with the inbuilt benchmark tool I scored 1600.

Notably, to qualify for multiplayer a player will need to score at least 1000 on the in-built benchmark tool. What is worth further noting is a player may need to slightly adjust their graphical settings to hit a target score.
Age of Mythology: Retold is launching on Xbox and PC on September 5th for $29.99. The Steam listing can be found here.