Is my system ready for a 1440p 144Hz monitor and Cyberpunk 2077?

Jean wants to know if his rig is good to go for a 1440p 144Hz monitor and Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out.

Question by Jean from United States | Answered by in Video Cards & GPUs on

I built my first PC a couple years ago and got some deals where I could and made the best decisions based on my budget. I currently have an ASRock Z370M, i5 8600K, 8GB of DDR4 3000, and a GTX 1070 Ti.

At this point, I really have my eye on a new 1440p 144Hz monitor and am curious if my GPU or CPU will need to be updated to handle this? This is a gaming machine only and I really want to crank up Cyberpunk 2077 when it releases.

Hi Jean!

Looks like a pretty solid system you have. Right off the bat, I would say the CPU is likely okay for now.

Is my system ready for a 1440p 144Hz monitor and Cyberpunk 2077? 1

As for the GPU, you will likely want to upgrade to make the most of your new monitor and of course crank it up for Cyberpunk. That said, now is NOT the time to buy. Wait patiently until just before Cyberpunk 2077 launches to see if NVIDIA or AMD launch their new cards.

This should drive down the prices of the RTX 2000 series and then you can look into a 2070 Super or better based on what fits your budget.

While you are upgrading, if you want something to do now, look at pushing your memory to 16GB in a 2x8GB kit of at least 3200-3600MHz.

Last updated: Nov 3, 2020 at 08:10 pm CST

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