"EDITORIAL" content on TweakTown - Page 1

We found 5 items for the tag: EDITORIAL

Battlefield 1 at EA Play - Likes and Dislikes

Battlefield 1 at EA Play - Likes and Dislikes

Here's what we liked and disliked about Battlefield 1 as shown at EA Play.

What Battlefield 1 Needs to Get Right

What Battlefield 1 Needs to Get Right

An evaluation of the Battlefield series' recent mistakes and which it needs to avoid for Battlefield 1.


Android phones should be supported for a minimum of two years

An argument for why Android phones should receive OS updates for a minimum of 2 years.

Are consoles holding back gaming tech?

Are consoles holding back gaming tech?

With game development on consoles being a priority, why is PC gaming taking the backburner? PC's have far superior technology that is constantly on the move, yet we get a watered down gaming experience...

The upcoming battle between Smartphone and next-gen Consoles

The upcoming battle between Smartphone and next-gen Consoles

The battle of smartphones and next-gen consoles will happen in 2012. Is it the beginning of the end, or the start of something very exciting?