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AMD blames DirectX for lack of amazing PC graphics, refers to it as "getting in the way" otherwise known as rooster blocking

Anthony Garreffa | Mar 21, 2011 5:43 PM CDT

It's funny, we often have at least ten times as much horsepower as an Xbox 360 or a PS3 in a high-end graphics card, yet it's very clear that the games don't look ten times as good. To a significant extent, that's because, one way or another, for good reasons and bad - mostly good, DirectX is getting in the way.

I certainly hear this in my conversations with games developers, and I guess it was actually the primary appeal of Larrabee to developers - not the hardware, which was hot and slow and unimpressive, but the software - being able to have total control over the machine, which is what the very best games developers want. By giving you access to the hardware at the very low level, you give games developers a chance to innovate, and that's going to put pressure on Microsoft - no doubt at all. Wrapping it up in a software layer gives you safety and security but it unfortunately tends to rob you of quite a lot of the performance, and most importantly it robs you of the opportunity to innovate.

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Heavy Rain will not get a sequel, for now?

Anthony Garreffa | Mar 21, 2011 8:00 AM CDT

"We own the genre, and we want to show that Heavy Rain was not a coincidence or a lucky shot - that it was really something that makes sense and that we can build on.

But at the same time I didn't want to make a sequel. I made that very clear before knowing whether the game would be a success or a failure, because I want to show that it's really a genre. Which means that you can use a similar drama to tell any type of story in any genre and in any style.

So, we are going to explore different directions. Still very dark, still for adults, but completely different from Heavy Rain. We want to satisfy our fans, but we want to surprise them too. That's our challenge.

We continue to explore how we can go further with interactive drama, working on emotion and interactive storytelling for a mature audience, but with a very different story and a different approach.

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Volition says PC gaming is still worth investing in

Anthony Garreffa | Mar 20, 2011 10:00 AM CDT

Let's make a game that's worth stealing, and then we'll worry about making sure they don't.

Some people say PC is dying. Some people say PC is the future, PC is the most variable, because it depends on what you've got under the hood. For us, the key thing was making sure the PC version was done in-house.

You should see [the PC version of Red Faction: Armageddon], it looks absolutely beautiful. If you've got a great graphics card it looks fantastic. We definitely believe PC games are great and if they're done right and done well by a studio, they're phenomenal.

There's a lot of debate and discussion. I can't predict the future, but I'm really happy with how Red Faction: Armageddon looks on PC. It's beautiful.

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Microsoft tease us with the future of video gaming

Anthony Garreffa | Mar 20, 2011 8:00 AM CDT

The Windows Gaming Experience (WGX) Team is a very passionate team embarking to create a new world-class gaming platform that comes alive in the presence of services and leverages the power of the PC to help define the next generation of Windows and Web gaming to 300 million potential customers. WGX team is realizing its strategy via the delivery of Windows and Web gaming solutions built upon existing available services (internal and external to Microsoft) as well as building as needed Azure-based services to enable this vision.

We are at the early stages of defining and architecting and developing excitement around gaming in Windows and the Web. We have a highly visible company-wide charter to promote gaming and empower game developers to create compelling, immersive, rich experiences in Windows and on the Web. We are on a mission to make games a first-class citizen in Windows through our efforts and in collaboration with other groups across the Interactive Entertainment & Devices (IEB) division.

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Sony Implements Direct Donation In PlayStation Store

Trak Lord | Mar 18, 2011 5:38 PM CDT

It's been over a week since the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, inflicting serious loss of life and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. The Japanese people, together with support and compassion from the global community, are beginning what will be a long recovery process.

Sony Computer Entertainment's headquarters are located in Tokyo, and so we've heard firsthand of the disaster's impact from our colleagues and friends. As we here in America watch the tragic events that continue to unfold, you might be left thinking, "Is there any way I can help?"

Sony Group is aiding the recovery through financial contributions and donations of radios, batteries and other equipment that can be used in the relief efforts. Today we're making it possible for you to contribute directly to the earthquake and tsunami recovery efforts through a medium you're already quite familiar with - the PlayStation Network.

You can make donations in the amount of $2, $5, $10, $25 and $50 from your wallet in the PlayStation Store. With your donation, you'll get a free theme for your PlayStation 3. In order to make a donation, go to the "Aid Japan" area under the New Releases category on the PlayStation Store.

It's important to note that your contributions will go directly to the American Red Cross - Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Fund. Every penny donated will go to the fund, which supports emergency relief and recovery efforts, including deploying personnel, sending relief supplies and providing financial resources.

Many gamers in particular feel a special bond with Japan, even if they've never traveled there personally. Its ingenuity and innovation have shaped our industry, and its culture and style have brought a sense of community across the world.

Please join us now in helping the Japanese people during this great time of need. Together we can have a significant impact on the relief process.

For more information on Sony's support of the relief efforts, visit

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Download Street Fighter IV to Give Aid to Japan

Trak Lord | Mar 15, 2011 6:07 PM CDT

Thank you to everyone who has sent inquiries and wished us well during this crisis. We want to reiterate that all of our employees in the Osaka and Toyko regions are safe and well, and we thank everyone for their support.In response to recent events, Capcom will immediately donate 100 million yen to help victims of the earthquake and communities recover from this tragedy. For one week from today, March 15, Street Fighter IV on iPhone will be available for 99cents/115yen, and all sales of the title during this period will be donated to support earthquake relief activities. Capcom will also suspend operations or shorten operating hours as necessary at amusement arcades and other business sites that are located in areas served by Tohoku Electric Power and Tokyo Electric Power. In addition, Capcom will refrain from holding special events. Again, thanks to everyone who has supported Japan during this difficult time, and please help to spread the news about relief efforts.

Continue reading: Download Street Fighter IV to Give Aid to Japan (full post)