Morrowind's Tamriel Rebuilt mod may have Tsaesci snake-vampires

Morrowind's ongoing Tamriel Rebuilt mod may add deep lore cuts and add one of the most mysterious and bizarre races of the Elder Scrolls series.

1 minute & 32 seconds read time

The beast-men races of Akavir are one of Elder Scrolls' most interesting NPCs that we've never seen, and the ongoing Tamriel Rebuilt mod could be the first to introduce these strange characters.

Morrowind's Tamriel Rebuilt mod may have Tsaesci snake-vampires 3

In Elder Scrolls lore, Akavir is a place shrouded in mystery. It's a continent to the far east where the old phrase 'here there be dragons' is taken literally. There's myths and legends about bizarre snake-vampires known as Tsaesci and the dragon-tiger men of the Ka Po' Tun clan. We haven't seen these races in mainline Elder Scrolls titles--gamers are only piece things together with books and small dialog snippets.

That should change with the help of one particular mod. The massively ambitious Tamriel Rebuilt mod, which aims to bring the entire worldwide regional landmass of Morrowind to the PC version of The Elder Scrolls III, might feature the mainline series' first-ever in-game tsaesci.

The creators of the Tamriel Rebuilt mod recently uploaded a huge treasure trove of art assets for the mod as part of a December update. Included in this wave of art is an animated tsaesci enemy, complete with a slithering tail and fearsome design.

Morrowind's Tamriel Rebuilt mod may have Tsaesci snake-vampires 2

Here's a quick explainer:

The trickiest item here must be the Tsaesci NPC race of snake-people. Meant mainly for the Padomaic Isles and Province: Cyrodiil, one or two undead variants may still terrorize the old Reman Imperial fort ruins on Morrowind's western border.

While joanasc made an earlier variant of the creatures, Sandaron started an improved rendition, but was unable to finish its development. Kynesifnar recently took over and has laid a ton of groundwork to get Sandaron's beautiful but complex work properly rigged and animated. It now "only" needs more animations to be finished.

Instead of releasing the mod all at once, the team has been releasing the mod in various pieces and stages. The latest release, Andaram, is out now.

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Derek joined the TweakTown team in 2015 and has since reviewed and played 1000s of hours of new games. Derek is absorbed with the intersection of technology and gaming, and is always looking forward to new advancements. With over six years in games journalism under his belt, Derek aims to further engage the gaming sector while taking a peek under the tech that powers it. He hopes to one day explore the stars in No Man's Sky with the magic of VR.

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