Here's when Apple's new Scary Fast Macs will likely go on sale

Aople is holding a streamed event on October 30 and with new Macs expected, a new report has detailed when those macs are likely to go on sale.

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Apple has already confirmed that it will be holding an online virtual keynote on October 30, with everything now very much expecting the company to announce a number of new Macs. Those Macs are expected to include both desktop and laptop machines, but you likely won't be able to buy them immediately. That's the norm, but when should you expect to be able to pick up the new hardware?

That's something that we would normally have to wait for the event to find out, but a new MacRumors report claims to have the answers ahead of time. That report doesn't say where the information came from, but ti does claim that the new hardware will go on sale on November 8.

Here's when Apple's new Scary Fast Macs will likely go on sale 02

That's a mid-week date, which is odd for Apple. Normally it would make new products available on the Friday, but it now seems that it is aiming for a Wednesday this time out for reasons unknown.

The Scary Fast event will stream on October 30 with Apple's promotional artwork already testing that a Mac will be involved thanks to a hidden Finder logo on the company's website. It's thought that Apple will announce a new M3 13-inch MacBook Pro alongside new 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pros. Those machines are expected to sport M3 Pro and M3 Max chips.

On the desktop side, Apple is also now expected to announce the M3 version of the 24-inch iMac, a machine that is still running the original M1 chip and is now very mich overdue for an update. If all of this actually happens, that event could well be a big one for Mac fans.

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Based in the UK, Oliver has been writing about technology, entertainment, and games for more than a decade. If there's something with a battery or a plug, he's interested. After spending too much money building gaming PCs, Oliver switched to Apple and the Mac - and now spends too much on those instead.

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