Wait, what? Get those plastic axes ready, as Activision CEO has hinted at a Guitar Hero reboot

The last game in the franchise, Guitar Hero Live, came out the best part of a decade ago - so is another release really likely at this point?

1 minute & 36 seconds read time

We might just see a new game in the Guitar Hero franchise, according to a heavy hint dropped by the CEO of Activision, Bobby Kotick.

Bobby Kotick suggested a new Guitar Hero game is coming in a leaked interview (Image Credit: Activision Blizzard)

Bobby Kotick suggested a new Guitar Hero game is coming in a leaked interview (Image Credit: Activision Blizzard)

Windows Central reports that this possibility came to light in a lengthy interview, where Kotick answers a whole load of queries from James Corden (of The Late Late Show and Gavin & Stacey fame).

Apparently the interview, which has been leaked, saw Kotick talking in some depth about how the Microsoft deal will boost what the games publisher can do (assuming it goes through, which it apparently will - and imminently).

At any rate, when talking about AI, Kotick mentioned Guitar Hero, causing a good deal of excitement - at least for us, and fans of the series which hasn't seen an outing since 2015 (with Guitar Hero Live).

Kotick said:

"A big part of what I've seen in Microsoft is research. And they do development in areas that are extraordinary. And so being able to tap into their AI and machine learning capability, the data analytics, new ways of thinking about graphics - I just see unlimited potential for what we do."

He then reminisced about old Activision games, before dropping the hint that Guitar Hero might just be rebooted.

Kotick commented:

"The re-emergence of Guitar Hero and other things would not be possible without the different types of resources. And so, you know, just the endless possibilities for the future that are just incredibly exciting."

So, that's a pretty clear signal then, right? Well, yes, but we're not sure if there is much enthusiasm more broadly for a new game in the Guitar Hero franchise.

After all, the controller makes the purchase a pricey affair, and while both Guitar Hero and Rock Band made a big splash, the appetite for these kind of games has visibly waned. Granted, there are still plenty of rhythm games around that riff on the Guitar Hero concept, but they're not quite the same, and don't need fancy controllers.

We're rather skeptical about this one, but we'd love to witness the release of a new Guitar Hero title - if only to see just what innovations could be brought to the franchise at this point.

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Darren has written for numerous magazines and websites in the technology world for almost 30 years, including TechRadar, PC Gamer, Eurogamer, Computeractive, and many more. He worked on his first magazine (PC Home) long before Google and most of the rest of the web existed. In his spare time, he can be found gaming, going to the gym, and writing books (his debut novel – ‘I Know What You Did Last Supper’ – was published by Hachette UK in 2013).

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