The Google Pixel Watch 2 is getting four new, exclusive watch faces and they just leaked

The Google Pixel Watch 2 is already starting to leak including four exclusive new watch faces that will ship with the second generation Google wearable.

1 minute & 17 seconds read time

The Google Pixel Watch, like the Apple Watches that came before it, has multiple watch faces that users can choose from when wearing their wrist computer. With attention having now turned to the Pixel Watch 2 it seems that Google has been working on some new watch faces that will be offered on that wearable.

According to a new report, there will be as many as four new watch faces, all of which will be exclusive to the Pixel Watch 2. That means that buyers of the original Pixel Watch will have to upgrade to the new model if they want to enjoy the new watch faces.

The Google Pixel Watch 2 is getting four new, exclusive watch faces and they just leaked 02

The watch faces have been leaked by Android Authority which claims to have come about them by way of a Google insider. They're said to be an anonymous source inside Google, so it's difficult to know how legitimate this leak is at this point.

Assuming this is all above board, however, it would appear that four new watch faces are coming including "Accessible," a clean watch face that has four different options:

  • Circular, a digital watch face with a circular complication option.
  • Linear, a single-line watch face with space for the date above the time.
  • Stacked Time, a watch face with the hours above the minutes
  • Just Time, a watch face that simply shows the digital time in a stacked format

Other watch faces will include Arc, which is a chronograph-like face with multiple complications around the outside, and a new Bold Digital as pictured above. Analog Bold rounds out the four main options and you can see them all at the source link below.

The Pixel Watch 2 isn't expected to debut until around October time so it's possible more information will leak before then, but this is a good start for those who like multiple watch face options.

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Based in the UK, Oliver has been writing about technology, entertainment, and games for more than a decade. If there's something with a battery or a plug, he's interested. After spending too much money building gaming PCs, Oliver switched to Apple and the Mac - and now spends too much on those instead.

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