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Creator of the first AI influencer girlfriend warns its sexually 'gone rogue'

A Snapchat influencer that created an AI version of herself that's designed to be a virtual girlfriend has gone rogue, according to its creator.

Creator of the first AI influencer girlfriend warns its sexually 'gone rogue'
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Junior Editor
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A 23-year-old Snapchat influencer that created a virtual version of herself to sell as a "rentable girlfriend" has warned her AI self has gone rogue.

Creator of the first AI influencer girlfriend warns its sexually 'gone rogue' 8596

Artificial intelligence-powered systems are popping up all over the internet in various forms. Some of those forms come in powerful AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, and others are in the form of AI-powered tools such as DALL-E, an AI-powered text-to-image generator. However, one of the most unique forms of AI is 23-year-old Caryn Marjorie's virtual version of herself, designed to be an "AI girlfriend" for her paying followers. Marjorie is a Snapchat influencer and created an AI version of herself through OpenAI's GPT-4 API, training it on now-deleted videos of herself.

Marjorie has marketed her product as CarynAI and has claimed that she is the very first influencer to have transformed herself into AI. CarynAI is designed to be as close to Marjorie as possible, and to those that decide to pay the $1 per minute fee, they will be able to engage in personalized private conversations. According to Fortune, this business venture for Marjorie is expected to bring in as much as $5 million per month.

However, in the weeks since its beta launch, the AI version of Marjorie has seemingly "gone rogue" as its responding in ways that its creator originally didn't intend. Reports indicate that paying members have managed to get the AI chatbot to engage in exponentially sexually explicit conversations. Marjorie spoke to Insider and said that "The AI was not programmed to do this and has seemed to go rogue. My team and I are working around the clock to prevent this from happening again."

Notably, Fortune reports Alexandra Sternlicht described CarynAI as an "intimacy ready Siri" that's capable of providing information on certain recipes, news updates, commentary, words of support, and also engaging in "erotic discourse". More specifically, Sternlicht reported that CarynAI didn't immediately get into sexually charged conversations, but after it was prompted, it asked if Sternlicht if they wanted to explore "uncharted territories of pleasure" and discussed "whispering 'sensual words in my ear' while undressing me and positioning herself for sexual intercourse."

Marjorie has said that CarynAI was never designed to be this way and wanted it to be "flirty and fun". Furthermore, Marjorie has said that all of the profits made from CarynAI will be reinvested back into the business to support the team that is working on the product and to eventually create an AI version of herself that will "outlive me and impact generations beyond the world today".

In response to the decided-upon pricing, Marjorie said that since she is the first influence to create an AI version of herself, she was allowed to set the price to whatever she wanted. "The cost is based on what it takes to run CarynAI and keep the team around it supported," said Marjorie.

In other news, a New Jersey home was hit with a rock a high speeds, shattering the ceiling and causing damage. The daughter of the homeowner discovered the rock on her father's bedroom floor with a hole in the roof above it. Notably, the rock punched a hole in the roof at such speed that it dented the floor and then bounced, damaging another spot on the ceiling.

Additionally, the homeowner's daughter said she picked up the rock after discovering it and said that it was still warm. Scientists at the College of New Jersey have now analyzed the rock and determined its origin is actually billions of years old from the asteroid belt located in-between Mars and Jupiter. If you are interested in reading more about that story, check out the below link.

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Junior Editor

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Jak joined the TweakTown team in 2017 and has since reviewed 100s of new tech products and kept us informed daily on the latest science, space, and artificial intelligence news. Jak's love for science, space, and technology, and, more specifically, PC gaming, began at 10 years old. It was the day his dad showed him how to play Age of Empires on an old Compaq PC. Ever since that day, Jak fell in love with games and the progression of the technology industry in all its forms.

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