These AI generated PC case designs look impressive and futuristic

Someone over on Reddit has used the Midjourney AI image generator to whip up some very cool looking PC case designs, many of which we'd love to see.

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A Redditor has used the Midjourney AI image generator to create some potential PC case designs, and the results are very cool, with some funky spherical designs. On that note, Hybective (the Redditor in question) has said that one of the prompts they used was "Sphere ITX PC build hyper realistic" and that "sphere" was a standard input based on their desire for a cool-looking spherical PC case.

Image credit: Reddit/Hybective

Image credit: Reddit/Hybective

This answers the question as to why a decent percentage of them are round. With 28 AI-generated PC case designs, many of them could inspire some case modders to take steps to make them a reality or even prompt case makers to add similar designs to their lineups.

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The rise of AI in design and image generation has been something to behold of late, and seeing a powerful tool like Midjourney AI used in this way makes much sense. With AI a vital part of the software and hardware side of gaming PCs and creator rigs, thanks to NVIDIA tools like DLSS and Broadcast, the next step is to use AI for physical designs.

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Of course, seeing an image of a well-lit PC case with an elaborate design is one thing; knowing the exact dimensions, materials used, and things like cable management and cooling is another matter. That said, out of the 28 AI-generated PC case designs put together here, we'd gladly use most of them for our rigs.

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And just like Hybective, I'm a big fan of the whole spherical design, too - there's something sleek and futuristic about it.

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Kosta is a veteran gaming journalist that cut his teeth on well-respected Aussie publications like PC PowerPlay and HYPER back when articles were printed on paper. A lifelong gamer since the 8-bit Nintendo era, it was the CD-ROM-powered 90s that cemented his love for all things games and technology. From point-and-click adventure games to RTS games with full-motion video cut-scenes and FPS titles referred to as Doom clones. Genres he still loves to this day. Kosta is also a musician, releasing dreamy electronic jams under the name Kbit.

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