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3DMark Vantage RC0 screenshots leaked

Launching on 20th Feb?

& 30 seconds read time
Curtsey of some folks from China and a digital camera, we get an early look at a pre-release version of 3DMark Vantage - the upcoming Vista and DX10 only 3D gaming benchmark software by Futuremark.

This is only a very early release look at the upcoming benchmark which is said to be released at GDC on Wednesday 20th February 2008 in the USA.

It is still spitting out random errors due to its early nature but for reference, an undisclosed test system with GeForce 8800 GTX scored around 4200 - not that this score means much at this stage of the game.

There is more over at this forum thread but you will need to register before being able to view the pictures.
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Cameron founded TweakTown® in 1999 after it originally started off as his personal homepage. Cameron was once, many years ago, the only person producing content, but nowadays, he spends his time ensuring the company and website operates at its best in his managing director position.

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