NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang videobombs live street performers, sings Lady Gaga songs

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang visits Taiwan to talk to AIB partners about problematic 12VHPWR power connector, videobombs karaoke singers at Taiwan esports event.

2 minutes & 7 seconds read time

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang flew out to Taiwan last week to meet with AIB partners and fan the (hopefully not explosive) waves surrounding the 12VHPWR power connector on its new GeForce RTX 40 series "Ada Lovelace" GPUs... but he had other things on his mind.

The billionaire CEO and founder of NVIDIA were walking the streets of Taiwan, where he walked up and into the opening night of the Taiwan esports carnival "WirForce 2022" and right into the BYOC (bring your own cocktail, probably) and began talking, and joking around with gamers and live streamers.

The Commercial Times reports that Jensen Huang was definitely recognized by some people, but others (like the girls in the embedded video where he's singing Lady Gaga tunes) had no idea who they were singing with. Of course, esports players were getting out their boxes of NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards and getting Jensen to sign them, as well as the obligatory selfies with the NVIDIA founder and CEO.

It seems Jensen just wanted to hang out, spending an hour at the event where he was playing around on a light gun game, posed for some photos, and then walked up onto the main stage and shouted -- of course -- "GeForce!" to the crowd.

In the video above, Jensen walked up to some celebrity singers that were broadcasting their karaoke live near the event, where the NVIDIA CEO walked up and seemed to be joyous and happy. He stayed for some tunes, singing Lady Gaga's "Hold My Hand" from the Top Gun: Maverick soundtrack.

I've personally been at many, many NVIDIA events where there are private parties for the press and influencers, but Jensen never sticks around to party like this. He might stay for a selfie or two, but I've never seen him play games, let alone sing karaoke. I guess this is a different Jensen, maybe his people are telling him "look, bro, you've got to go out and look NORMAL while our graphics cards are catching fire and PCI-SIG pushes out engineering changes to the 12VHPWR power connector... so... uh... go out and sing karaoke, okay?"

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang videobombs live street performers, sings Lady Gaga songs 08

It's funny: because two days ago now I reported about PCI-SIG making engineering changes to the 16-pin "12VHPWR" power connector where I said "NVIDIA hasn't said a word about this, which is also not a good look whatsoever... launching a super high-end flagship GPU (that is just a f***ing powerhouse, there is NO taking away from that) but silence? NVIDIA's CEO has been out taking selfies with influencers and fans overseas, but no comment on an issue this big with the biggest generational GPU leap since the GeForce 256".

And here he was, as I saw on social media (but now, with video) he's singing karaoke like there's not a problem in the world. Hmm.

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Anthony joined the TweakTown team in 2010 and has since reviewed 100s of graphics cards. Anthony is a long time PC enthusiast with a passion of hate for games built around consoles. FPS gaming since the pre-Quake days, where you were insulted if you used a mouse to aim, he has been addicted to gaming and hardware ever since. Working in IT retail for 10 years gave him great experience with custom-built PCs. His addiction to GPU tech is unwavering and has recently taken a keen interest in artificial intelligence (AI) hardware.

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